Last night, saw my sad tweet about #CaptainTom & came to find me. I was in bed, still crying a bit.
H: are you still crying?
Me: yes, but I’m watching pandas.
H: show me the pandas.
He got into bed with me & we watched pandas sliding down a hill in the snow.
Oh dear, am crying. It seems so unfair that Covid should have killed him after all his efforts to stop it killing other people. His poor family, and what a sad ending to what sounds like such a good life. ❤️#CaptainTom
Rest in peace Captain Sir Tom Moore. Your strength, power and legacy will live on forever 💜
#HuffingtonPost #HuffPost "Pour ses 100 ans, Tom Moore reçoit 125.000 cartes et un défilé aérien" #TomMoore #CaptainTom #RoyalAirForce #GuinessWorldRecord #YoullNeverWalkAlone #records #dons ...
#huffingtonpost #huffpost #TomMoore #CaptainTom #royalairforce #GuinessWorldRecord #youllneverwalkalone #records #dons
#HuffingtonPost #HuffPost "Pour ses 100 ans, Tom Moore reçoit 125.000 cartes et un défilé aérien" #TomMoore #CaptainTom #RoyalAirForce #GuinessWorldRecord #YoullNeverWalkAlone #records #dons ...
#dons #records #youllneverwalkalone #GuinessWorldRecord #royalairforce #CaptainTom #TomMoore #huffpost #huffingtonpost