University of California does many things that aren't in line with what their own researchers say are best practice.
So UCSD could sponsor a talk like this, but the fact is that UC still prioritizes cars and that's spatial priority is one of the reasons that UC Davis racks are an inaccessible design (to shove more of a certain cycle together), as well as why UCD campus buildings are far apart, esp for those with mobility disabilities.
#UCAccessNow #CarCentrism #Urbanism
"Big City Design: Transportation and Urban Planning"
#UCAccessNow #CarCentrism #urbanism
The fabulous cycle/pedestrian/wheelchair path at "bike-friendly" UC Davis today. Look how space is prioritized for more sustainable and less armored forms of transport...
#CarCentrism #UCAccessNow #BikeTooter
The excuse UC Davis TAPS gives for continuing to waste our $ on inaccessible rack designs is that space has to be maximized for auto parking. Despite the lots having plenty of room right now, where do UC Davis driver employees park? Hmm?
#UCAccessNow #ableism #CarCentrism #BikeTooter
I think we need to redesign how we do sidewalks, parkways, and start taking space away from cars while going full steam ahead on fare-free accessible pubtrans.
We need to change our horticulture as well. Big box nurseries create potted trees with tangled root structure that strangles itself. We need to stop planting clones of one species all on one street... etc
#urbanforest #CarCentrism #climateemergency
My study of carob street trees led to noticing a lot of things about street trees. One of them is how our car-centrism not only fuels the climate change that endangers them, but makes us allot so little space to them that the root/shoot ratio favors toppling over in extreme weather
We *have* to change how we do infrastructure. #UrbanForest #CarCentrism #ClimateEmergency
#urbanforest #CarCentrism #climateemergency
UC Davis, champion of accessibility and winner of the "Platinum Bike-Friendly University" status from League of American Bicyclists, apparently put these walkways in place for preferred van parking.
#UCAccessNow #ableism #CarCentrism
Blocking one side wasn't enough. Today they blocked both. Pulling aside onto the sidewalk/cycle areas because who UC Davis really prioritizes is abled drivers. #UCAccessNow #UniversityOfCalifornia #CarCentrism
#UCAccessNow #universityofcalifornia #CarCentrism
A veritable smørgåsbord of ableism and car-centrism on the UC Davis campus this morning. Let this photo be representative of many.
Truck parked at end of temporary single-wide ramp (because they refuse to overhaul the building for accessibility) and adjacent to cycle racks, further constricting egress, esp in an emergency.
It's summer now, but this parking happens during the school year as well. #UCAccessNow #UniversityOfCalifornia #CarCentrism
#UCAccessNow #universityofcalifornia #CarCentrism
Donald Shoup of UCLA talks sensibly about how society subsidizes auto parking.
Here's how "bike-friendly" UC Davis subsidizes auto parking while simultaneously resisting UC Access Now's calls for accessible cycle racks:
#shoup #Shoupistas #parking #podcast #TheWarOnCars #UniversityOfCalifornia #ableism #CarCentrism #accessibility #DisabilityLaw #disability
#shoup #shoupistas #parking #podcast #thewaroncars #universityofcalifornia #ableism #CarCentrism #accessibility #disabilitylaw #disability
Following up on a birdsite thread I made musing on how the cumulative effects of decades of policy failures likely increased the treefall in recent CA storms (and associated loss of life and property), I was interviewed for this article.
Most of what I was trying to point out didn't make it in, but good stuff by very qualified ppl did.
The thread I made is here:
#CAwx #UrbanForest #Arboriculture #Horticulture #drought #CarCentrism
#cawx #urbanforest #arboriculture #horticulture #drought #CarCentrism
Oh, look what UC Davis uses its emergency warning system for (usually used for crime BOLOs, and true emergencies).
"Drive somewhere else so you don't see those picket signs!" *clutches pearls*
#FairUCNow #strike #labor #CarCentrism #UniversityOfCalifornia
#fairUCnow #strike #labor #CarCentrism #universityofcalifornia