Last year, 286 towns & cities across Europe organised a #CarFreeDay as part of #MobilityWeek! 🤩
Encourage your town or city to participate 👉
Not sure where to start? Follow our 10 steps 👣 to organise a car free day 👉
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EU Transport: 🤔 Why host a #CarFree Day?
As part of @mobilityweek - towns & cities can organise their very own Car-Free Day to show residents what a car free area could look like. The benefits?
👂 Less noise
🦺 Safer streets
🪺Cleaner air
and more!
#CarFreeDay #MobilityWeek #carfree
The #MobilityWeek Special Mention 🏆 continues to make its way through Ukraine. Our next stop? 📍 #Poltava.
Despite Russia's war of aggression, Poltava organised a #CarFreeDay, among other activities.
We 👏 Poltava's - and the other four outstanding 🇺🇦 cities' - efforts.
#MobilityWeek #Poltava #CarFreeDay
Wow, what a day! 😍
We were delighted to participate in workshops with @KinderaufsRad @UITPEurope @POLISnetwork @EUROCITIES @Mobiel21 & @octopusplan on how to:
⚡ Leverage active mobility to save energy
🚗 Minimise car dependency
✔ Organise a #CarFreeDay and more!
RT @BelenCalvoEU: Joined this morning Kigali #Carfreeday -great atmosphere! Also #NCD screening campaign & raising awareness on #WorldCancerDay2023
#CarFreeDay #NCD #WorldCancerDay2023
In love💘with #CarFreeDay?
So are we! We saw many #towns and #cities holding a first car-free day during last week’s #MobilityWeek, and you can too 👊
Check out these 10 straightforward tips📝for local authorities on how to organise a car-free day.
#CarFreeDay #towns #cities #MobilityWeek
Ambassador Meyer-Landrut and @izmirbld Mayor @tuncsoyer attended #CarFreeDay events&toured the stands set up. Then the duo mentioned the importance the importance of acting "Now and Together" 🤝for environment-friendly🌲,sustainable solutions on the live broadcast they attended.
😍Ob #CarFreeDay smo šli z @visitljubljana na zeleno🚲turo po Ljubljani.
👉 Čebelnjak na strehi @cankarjevdom🐝, Center ponovne uporabe, kjer lahko najdeš odlična trajnostna darila in drugi skriti💚 kotički so nas navdušili.
To je #EUGreenDeal v praksi. 👍 #MobilityWeek
#CarFreeDay #EUGreenDeal #MobilityWeek
Emisije iz prometa predstavljajo 25% vseh emisij toplogrednih plinov v🇪🇺, ki v zadnjih letih še📈. Z ukrepi #EUGreenDeal jih bomo📉za vsaj 55% do l. 2030 v primerjavi z l.1990.
Prvi korak lahko naredi vsak? Na današnji #CarFreeDay pustite🚗doma!🙂
RT @EKvSloveniji: 😍Ob #CarFreeDay smo šli z @visitljubljana na zeleno🚲turo po Ljubljani.
👉 Čebelnjak na strehi @cankarjevdom🐝, Center ponovne uporabe, kjer lahko najdeš odlična trajnostna darila in drugi skriti💚 kotički so nas navdušili.
To je #EUGreenDeal v praksi. 👍 #MobilityWeek
#CarFreeDay #EUGreenDeal #MobilityWeek
RT @mobilityweek: Happy #CarFreeDay! 🥳
We are sad 😢 to see #MobilityWeek come to a close, but what an awesome week it's been! 🥰
Let's see what a world with less cars would look like for our #towns and #cities. Share a picture 📸 of your #CarFreeDay ⬇️
@EUROCITIES @POLISnetwork @Transport_EU
#CarFreeDay #MobilityWeek #towns #cities
Ma van az autómentes nap.
Csökkenő autóhasználat:
💨 Csökken a zaj- és légszennyezés
🚴 A mozgás jó a testnek és a léleknek
🚸 Biztonságosabb utak, élhetőbb városok
✅ Megtakarítás az üzemanyagon
#carfreeday #carfreeday2022 #automentesnap #mixandmove
#CarFreeDay #CarFreeDay2022 #automentesnap #MixandMove
RT @josattler: Today is #CarFreeDay, when sustainable forms of transport take over the streets.
#EuropeanMobilityWeek is marked in over 50 countries, incl in #BiH #BanjaLuka, #Mostar & #Sarajevo.
Great to be celebrating this day with a great crowd in Banja Luka!
#CarFreeDay #EuropeanMobilityWeek #BiH #BanjaLuka #Mostar #Sarajevo
European #MobilityWeek 2022!
Í dag er bíllausi dagurinn og við hvetjum alla til þess að nota almenningssamgöngur!
Í ár taka 2,898 borgir og bæir í 47 ríkjum þátt í þessu verkefni Evrópusambandsins og þar af 5 á Íslandi! 🇪🇺
#betterconnections #carfreeday
#MobilityWeek #BetterConnections #CarFreeDay
In love 💘 with #CarFreeDay?
So are we! Many #towns and #cities are beginning to host Car-Free Days more often and you can too 👊
Check out these 10 straightforward steps 📝 for local authorities on how to organise a Car-Free Day.
#CarFreeDay #towns #cities #MobilityWeek
#CarFreeDay | EU countries want to ensure that, by 2035, new cars and vans are CO2 emission-free.
Also, thanks to new recharging and refuelling stations across the EU, people will be able to use more vehicles powered by alternative fuels.
More on #Fitfor55 ⬇️
#CarFreeDay #Fitfor55 #MobilityWeek
Today is #CarFreeDay
The @EU_Commission actively supports sustainable urban mobility planning, which promotes a shift towards cleaner ways of city travelling.
Read the Action Plan on Urban Mobility on @EURLex
Happy #CarFreeDay! 🥳
We are sad 😢 to see #MobilityWeek come to a close, but what an awesome week it's been! 🥰
Let's see what a world with less cars would look like for our #towns and #cities. Share a picture 📸 of your #CarFreeDay ⬇️
@EUROCITIES @POLISnetwork @Transport_EU
#CarFreeDay #MobilityWeek #towns #cities
Car Free Day: quanto petrolio può far risparmiare ogni giornata senz'auto? - #carfreeday
Today is the #CarFreeDay!
It is in our hands to improve the environment&the quality of life in the city we live in. Let's be directly involved in the decisions affecting our daily life&future, and take a step towards making our city a better place by participating in #CarFreeDay
🟢 Danas obilježavamo Svjetski dan bez automobila 🚲 #CarFreeDay 🛴 kojim se želi podići svijest o održivoj mobilnosti.
Promet proizvodi četvrtinu emisija stakleničkih plinova u Uniji te je njihov udio i dalje u porastu.
#WorldCarFreeDay #MobilityWeek
#CarFreeDay #WorldCarFreeDay #MobilityWeek