Thanks #StreetsBlogUSA for the shoutout all that's going on in #PDX!
Streetsie Awards 2022 for my #Portland #CarMasterPlan, Coach Sam Balto's #BikeBus, the #Freeway fighters network, and Zach Katz's AI Street Renderings. Portland is full of some madly creative folks.
Now, if only we could get the city to invest in better #Bike #infrastructure
#streetsblogusa #pdx #portland #CarMasterPlan #BikeBus #freeway #bike #infrastructure #BikeTooter
@GordonOfSeattle I did a really close analysis of Downtown PDX curb zone use. Most of it is for car parking! Or driveways into parking lots.
The downtown curb zone is the most valuable property every city manages. It is vital to study how curb zone use is assigned and valued.
I'm glad #Seattle is beginning to assess and value #parking in its downtown and throughout the city. @NoFreeParking
#seattle #parking #portland #CarMasterPlan
Here's my complete Car Master Plan for downtown Portland, Oregon USA.
Cities need to plan for cars in cities, instead of planning cities for cars.
#Car #CarMasterPlan #4TypesOfDrivers #eCars #CarFreeCities
#car #CarMasterPlan #4typesofdrivers #ecars #carfreecities
@Stripymoggie @BrianShannon Exactly why @CathyTuttle wrote this #CarMasterPlan to refocus the argument. Once we actually *see* cars, we can actually see how much we enable them to our detriment.