@devinpacholik as a suggestion to get started with #CarbonTransfer, I highly recommend the book "Carbon transfer printing" by Sandy King, Don Nelson and John Lockhart (3 gurus of the process). You can also view Lockhart's videos on YouTube, which run you through the whole process.
Keep away from dichromates and go for DAS (diazidostilbene), which is meant to be a less toxic replacement.
I wish you happy glopping!
Though I've been working with silver-based #photography for three decades, I've been teaching myself #CarbonTransfer over the last couple of years.
Besides devouring books and countless websites, what really got me going on this was a wonderful workshop with Kees Brandenburg (https://polychrome.nl/) earlier this year.
The print above is the very first I made at that workshop.
#introduction By day I'm a quantum physicist, by early mornings/evenings/weekends I'm a developer, but in between the cracks I'm keen on #Monochrome aka #BlackAndWhite #Photography.
I keep things traditional with #Silver, #Pyro developers, and the magical #CarbonTransfer.
I'm a junkie and shoot mostly #Ilford film on #Leica in #35mm, #Hasselblad in #MediumFormat, #ArcaSwiss in #4x5 and #ChamonixCameras in #ULF #11x14. My home darkroom features a #Durst #L1200 + #RHDesigns and #Heiland extras.
#heiland #RHDesigns #L1200 #durst #11x14 #ulf #ChamonixCameras #4x5 #ArcaSwiss #mediumformat #hasselblad #35mm #leica #ilford #CarbonTransfer #pyro #silver #photography #BlackAndWhite #monochrome #introduction