I image my #dating profile:
37 years with 2 kids living on an island,
autistic levels of honesty, interests and intelligence all over the place, can't go for long walks but epic #BikeRides (unless they require walking), not comfortable in groups or uncontrollable circumstances (with people mostly) is looking for a nerdy androgynous (more fem) person to be with.
You should be quite decent in #MarioKart and #Carcassonne .
I'm open for other #boardgames .
#dating #bikerides #mariokart #Carcassonne #boardgames
#Retrööt @Meteo_Pyrenees
"Les #températures pourraient s'approcher des records mercredi dans les plaines du #sudouest. Notamment entre #Toulouse, #Carcassonne et #Pamiers où il fera 40 à 42°c. Tout dépendra de l'extension plus ou moins rapide des nuages orageux #pyrénéen.
Temperatures could approach record highs Wednesday in the southwestern plains. Especially between Toulouse, Carcassonne and Pamiers where it will be 40 to 42 ° C. ..." #Pyrenees
#retroot #temperatures #sudouest #toulouse #Carcassonne #Pamiers #pyreneen #Pyrenees
Der AC Lader hatte keine Lust nach 0.02kwh und war ne bessere Parkuhr, aber 1.20€/Std. Ist ok. :)
Egal, #Carcassonne war schön. Jetzt bissel DC drücken und ab zurück.
Some Sunday afternoon #Carcassonne action. My wife took the win in the Winter Edition with Gingerbread Man expansion. I've always had an affection for the snowy version of this game. #boardgames
About 10 years ago my friend Matthew ran the Halifax Casual Gaming Federation at Robert Street Social Centre, and we played board games together with a bunch of rad folks. He put together a zine with writeups for all the games we played in 2012 and I contributed one for Carcassonne, which is still my favourite board game. Due to showing up so often, I ended up winning the federation championship.
#Carcassonne #halifax #boardgames
"Willem and his #Carcassonne Museum have over 450 different boxes, all of Carcassonne! This includes games in 31 languages, Spin-off games in the Carcassonne family and many special editions..." https://www.ukgamesexpo.co.uk/content/news/the-carcassonne-museum/ #boardgames
#spieleabend #carcassonne
Cooles #Spiel für einen gemütlichen abend.
#spieleabend #Carcassonne #spiel
Le club Grabuge organise la 4e édition de La nuit des Rôlistes à la MJC de Carcassonne samedi 3 décembre 2022 à 20h30
#mjccarcassonne #aude #Carcassonne #grabuge #jeuderole #jdr
♣️Artist: #AbysOsmoz ( #ABYZ ) + #scafoner (#SCAF ) - in City:
#Carcassonne France 🇫🇷 - (for the #area503) - #streetart #art #mastoart #mural #graffiti
#graffiti #Mural #MastoArt #art #streetart #area503 #Carcassonne #scaf #scafoner #abyz #abysosmoz
Certes, on ne doit pas se faire justice à soi-même... encore faut-il que la justice se fasse : près de #Carcassonne, la propriétaire d’une maison squattée a décidé d'expulser de force ses locataires, qui ne paient plus le loyer. L'affaire a été portée devant la justice. #squat
🐦🔗: https://nitter.eu/GilbertCollard/status/1551501331155886082