Nando161 · @nando161
664 followers · 31549 posts · Server

supporters regularly admit that the police are the guys. They just don't .

#police #bad #Care

Last updated 1 year ago

Nando161 · @nando161
585 followers · 28902 posts · Server

to about who aren't , too

Intersex people who aren't trans are still subject to the fascist violence that is currently aimed at any and all people who fall outside of gender and sex norms

Intersex people who aren't trans are subject to nonconsensual surgeries and HRT and can have complex and nuanced thoughts on gender and sex even if we aren't trans

We need solidarity to exist and not just with people who fall under both intersex and trans labels. We need yall to care about all of us. Intersex people who consider themselves cis still often have to work every day to pass as their gender or be abused, rejected, and brutalized by society. We don't have to be trans for this to be a massive issue that impacts the intersex community as a whole.

:antifa_100: :heart_cyber:

#reminder #Care #intersex #people #trans

Last updated 1 year ago

Justice for Willie Simmons · @jfws
20 followers · 122 posts · Server

Help fund a for . These are the packages offered through the department of corrections. The window to order the package for the second quarter is now open. I have a catalog which Willie marked up, to use as a guide for which items to order. You can help offset the cost of this by donating to his general fund: Thanks

#Care #package #willie #simmons #alabama #MutualAid #JusticeForWillieSimmons #lwop

Last updated 2 years ago

EcoCracy · @Destructive_Device_0420
2 followers · 227 posts · Server

¡mira! Una Caravana!


#beyaz #buweibee #Care

Last updated 2 years ago

Nando161 · @nando161
322 followers · 10492 posts · Server

#my #friends #take #Care #me #not #police

Last updated 2 years ago

szczur · @gregor_samsa
155 followers · 1298 posts · Server

Hey, to anyone interested in donating a little, I kind of need your help to stay afloat.

So, one of my rats is fighting abscess right now. It's generally life-threatening, although rather contained for now. She will need a surgery, though. One I can't currently fully afford, because veterinary care is rather expensive for me at the moment. I had fortune smile upon me, because there's plenty of people who already helped me a lot, but as I said earlier, sadly it's not enough. I've also taken on more work not to be in this situation later.

Here's a photo of my rat, after having the wound cleaned up on Tuesday. The affliction is generally making her unable to eat and breathe, because it's so huge inside it pushes her throat and lungs. I will have it removed. But I also need to have funds to pay rent and for food for myself.

I'm not asking for much, but all help is greatly appriciated. I hate that I need to even pay that much to make my rat not die. What happened to "do no harm", damnit?


I'll post receipts and other details if asked. Thank you, I don't want my rat die.

#MutualAid #aid #donation #financialhelp #help #Care #VeterinaryCare #bills #rat #petrats #ratsofmaston #ratsofmastodon #FuckCapitalism

Last updated 2 years ago

Michael Opielka · @michaelopielka
8 followers · 40 posts · Server

UN-Konvention über die Rechte behinderter Menschen muss notwendig zwischen und changieren. ist ein Marker mit postmodernem Risiko der Beliebigkeit.

#behindertenrechtskonvention #unbrk #Schutz #support #Care #autonomie #empowerment #protest #ableismus

Last updated 2 years ago

gregor samsa · @gregor_samsa
48 followers · 180 posts · Server

Remember to respect your
I've visited my sister at a vet clinic today.
She's a genuine good person with a goal of helping animals and fight for their rights. Yet, she battles depression for that reason, faced with so much pain, suffering, cruelty and mistreatment of innocent animals.

This little guy here in two days will be back at home with people who put him through so much pain. He hasn't eaten in a month. Can barely drink.

I'm speechless.

#veterinarians #animal #Care #veterinarian #animalrights

Last updated 2 years ago

Shwee 🌟 · @Iamshwee
305 followers · 598 posts · Server

is called SELF for a reason.

Only YOU know how to properly care for yourself: how to maintain a regular sleep schedule, how to eat healthier, how to spend time in nature, how you practice spirituality, what hobbies you enjoy, and so much more is only accomplished when you chose to about yourself!

Plus, You'll be expressing SELF gratitude as a result of your hard inner work and journey.

Now, taking advice from others on how THEY practice their own self-care is always a wonderful way of learning new ways YOU may be able to take care of yourself. But it's important to remember that there is a big difference between and !

Allow yourself to heal at your own pace, and allow yourself the grace to learn and adjust accordingly 💕

#selfcare #Care #healing #advice #instructions #directions

Last updated 2 years ago

Adventure of One · @advofone
4 followers · 32 posts · Server

As mentioned in my earlier : is showing behavior, the signs of a mental breakdown, and I hope he is getting the and that he needs. We need to hold him responsible for what he did, but we have a responsibility to extend him the necessary care throughout this process, which will likely take years.

#post #SBF #erratic #mental #Care #support

Last updated 2 years ago

This podcast episode is truly uplifting.

:abunhd: :abunhdhappy: :abunhdhappyhop: :abunhdhop: :abunhdowohop:

“How do we practice deep and reciprocal relationships as resistance to our culture of transactionalism and extraction?” asks Tanuja Jagernauth. In this year-end episode of “Movement Memos,” Jagernauth and host &
@MsKellyMHayes discuss the cultivation of hope, how activists can practice reciprocal care, the importance of celebrating big and small victories, and how to process painful feelings without being consumed by them.

:agorism_heart: :heart_trans: :praxis_100:

#Abolition #activism #anticapitalism #Care #Community #covid #emotions #grief #healing #hope #inspiration #love #pain #pandemic #Podcast #radical #reciprocation #relationships #solidarity #survival #timelinecleanse #trans

Last updated 2 years ago

This podcast episode is truly uplifting.

:abunhd: :abunhdhappy: :abunhdhappyhop: :abunhdhop: :abunhdowohop:

“How do we practice deep and reciprocal relationships as resistance to our culture of transactionalism and extraction?” asks Tanuja Jagernauth. In this year-end episode of “Movement Memos,” Jagernauth and host &
@MsKellyMHayes discuss the cultivation of hope, how activists can practice reciprocal care, the importance of celebrating big and small victories, and how to process painful feelings without being consumed by them.

:agorism_heart: :heart_trans: :praxis_100:

#Abolition #activism #anticapitalism #Care #Community #covid #emotions #grief #healing #hope #inspiration #love #pain #pandemic #Podcast #radical #reciprocation #relationships #solidarity #survival #timelinecleanse #trans

Last updated 2 years ago

This podcast episode is truly uplifting.

:abunhd: :abunhdhappy: :abunhdhappyhop: :abunhdhop: :abunhdowohop:

“How do we practice deep and reciprocal relationships as resistance to our culture of transactionalism and extraction?” asks Tanuja Jagernauth. In this year-end episode of “Movement Memos,” Jagernauth and host @MsKellyMHayes discuss the cultivation of hope, how activists can practice reciprocal care, the importance of celebrating big and small victories, and how to process painful feelings without being consumed by them.

:agorism_heart: :heart_trans: :praxis_100:

#Abolition #activism #anticapitalism #Care #Community #covid #emotions #grief #healing #hope #inspiration #love #pain #pandemic #Podcast #radical #reciprocation #relationships #solidarity #survival #timelinecleanse #trans

Last updated 2 years ago

10 small things …

I finally dragged myself to do grocery shopping today.
It took FOUR Hours.

After all the product decisions, lights, noise, screaming little ones and overwhelming, over-stimulation.. I’m a puddle, in a glass, that got knocked over on the the floor. I feel like a stain on the rug.  Oh yeah, I still have to put all the groceries away.

“The act of cooking or doing groceries are both exhausting.” (Evie)

It’s not unusual for people with and other to dislike,  and be taxed greatly, by daily tasks.  Evie’s piece: “10 Small Things You Can Do to Help Someone with a Brain Injury ”, is a concise, easy reading jem.  This is a must for anyone interested in understand  and accommodating people that live with (ID) invisible disabilities.  It’s worth two minute to read, don’t you think?

As one living the subject matter, I find Evie’s list to be the perfect glimpe for those “looking in”.  So many, are unaware that even little things can exacerbate a person with IDs.  From where to sit in a room, to being asked “how are you doing “, Evie has great wisdom on accommodation.

For me at times, bright light is like kryptonite with a migrane.  Shrilly sounds... and even the “buzz" of shoppers in the background, weaken my battery and bend up the spoons. The brain is a powerful force that controls our breathing, movement, emotion and thinking.  Like any other “muscle”, it wears down and needs rest.  This is also true for the brains of individuals with many types of invisible disabilities. Better understanding and accommodation go hand in hand.

Evie offers her insight in:

“10 Things…”:

Check out Evie’s others great writing on living with brain injury here:

Don't forget about the ALT text.


OutOfExile_IDR - § Focus: OutOfExile_IDR - § Deux:

#brainInjury #invisibledisabilities #DisabilitySolidarity #TBI #chronicillness #spoonies #pain #LongCovid #fibromyalgia #fatigue #CrossDisabilitySupport #Care #actuallyautistic #inclusion #InvisibleDisabilityRights #understanding #love

Last updated 2 years ago

Dead Astronaut · @dead_astronaut
89 followers · 25 posts · Server

Pirate Care, a syllabus

"We live in a world where captains get arrested for saving people’s lives on the sea; where a person downloading scientific articles faces 35 years in jail; where people risk charges for bringing contraceptives to those who otherwise couldn’t get them. Folks are getting in trouble for giving food to the poor, medicine to the sick, water to the thirsty, shelter to the homeless. And yet our heroines care and disobey. They are pirates."

(thanks @nonmodernist for this site)

#piratecare #syllabus #Care #pirates

Last updated 2 years ago

Patrick · @0CynicalBastard
505 followers · 3148 posts · Server

I'd like to clarify something.

I like to start my day, every day, with something mostly positive about Canada - the fact we're rated one of the freest countries on the planet based on several factors is one of my favourite things to mention, because it's true, and it's inspiring.

BUT. There's always a but.

We have a long history of horrible things, and that freedom doesn't extend to everyone, at least not yet.

As long as there's still prejudice, as long as some people, people of colour, people with disabilities, people who identify as different genders, people who love differently, are treated as lesser human beings, until that freedom extends to everyone, we have a lot of work to do.

Poverty is a feature of the system, and we need to get rid of it.

Addiction is a consequence of the system, we need to remove stigma, treat addiction as a medical problem.

Disabilities are not a choice, and people with disabilities are valuable, and will contribute on average, far more than caring for them costs, so long as we care for them.

We've long abused and segregated Indigenous people in this country, and while progress has been made, we still have a lot of work to do - we need to integrate and support their cultures, not assimilate their people into how we feel people should live. They should be supported and cared about without expecting them to simply obey our culture, that's not okay.

We need to accept, protect, and help 2LGTBQ+ thrive, they're a positive force, and the fear and misunderstandings of their nature, and struggle are not okay. We have to encourage people to learn and understand. There are many disillusions and false dichotomies surrounding those communities.

So while I point out, in what I hope to be a positive, welcoming message every morning, please understand that that message is about where we are, but also, where we need to go. We can't afford to backslide, make problems worse, because until everyone in this country thrives, we're failing, and right now in many ways, we're failing badly. Compared to much of the world, we're doing very well, but compared to where we should be? Not so well.

My message is meant as a "we're doing pretty well" message, not a "we can't do better" message - because not only can we do better, we must.

#canada #canadianpolitics #issues #wemustdobetter #equality #Care #fail

Last updated 2 years ago

Patrick · @0CynicalBastard
489 followers · 2980 posts · Server

I'd like to clarify something.

I like to start my day, every day, with something mostly positive about Canada - the fact we're rated one of the freest countries on the planet based on several factors is one of my favourite things to mention, because it's true, and it's inspiring.

BUT. There's always a but.

We have a long history of horrible things, and that freedom doesn't extend to everyone, at least not yet.

As long as there's still prejudice, as long as some people, people of colour, people with disabilities, people who identify as different genders, people who love differently, are treated as lesser human beings, until that freedom extends to everyone, we have a lot of work to do.

Poverty is a feature of the system, and we need to get rid of it.

Addiction is a consequence of the system, we need to remove stigma, treat addiction as a medical problem.

Disabilities are not a choice, and people with disabilities are valuable, and will contribute on average, far more than caring for them costs, so long as we care for them.

We've long abused and segregated Indigenous people in this country, and while progress has been made, we still have a lot of work to do - we need to integrate and support their cultures, not assimilate their people into how we feel people should live. They should be supported and cared about without expecting them to simply obey our culture, that's not okay.

We need to accept, protect, and help 2LGTBQ+ thrive, they're a positive force, and the fear and misunderstandings of their nature, and struggle are not okay. We have to encourage people to learn and understand. There are many disillusions and false dichotomies surrounding those communities.

So while I point out, in what I hope to be a positive, welcoming message every morning, please understand that that message is about where we are, but also, where we need to go. We can't afford to backslide, make problems worse, because until everyone in this country thrives, we're failing, and right now in many ways, we're failing badly. Compared to much of the world, we're doing very well, but compared to where we should be? Not so well.

My message is meant as a "we're doing pretty well" message, not a "we can't do better" message - because not only can we do better, we must.

#canada #canadianpolitics #issues #wemustdobetter #equality #Care #fail

Last updated 2 years ago

Patrick · @0CynicalBastard
469 followers · 2839 posts · Server

I'd like to clarify something.

I like to start my day, every day, with something mostly positive about Canada - the fact we're rated one of the freest countries on the planet based on several factors is one of my favourite things to mention, because it's true, and it's inspiring.

BUT. There's always a but.

We have a long history of horrible things, and that freedom doesn't extend to everyone, at least not yet.

As long as there's still prejudice, as long as some people, people of colour, people with disabilities, people who identify as different genders, people who love differently, are treated as lesser human beings, until that freedom extends to everyone, we have a lot of work to do.

Poverty is a feature of the system, and we need to get rid of it.

Addiction is a consequence of the system, we need to remove stigma, treat addiction as a medical problem.

Disabilities are not a choice, and people with disabilities are valuable, and will contribute on average, far more than caring for them costs, so long as we care for them.

We've long abused and segregated Indigenous people in this country, and while progress has been made, we still have a lot of work to do - we need to integrate and support their cultures, not assimilate their people into how we feel people should live. They should be supported and cared about without expecting them to simply obey our culture, that's not okay.

We need to accept, protect, and help 2LGTBQ+ thrive, they're a positive force, and the fear and misunderstandings of their nature, and struggle are not okay. We have to encourage people to learn and understand. There are many disillusions and false dichotomies surrounding those communities.

So while I point out, in what I hope to be a positive, welcoming message every morning, please understand that that message is about where we are, but also, where we need to go. We can't afford to backslide, make problems worse, because until everyone in this country thrives, we're failing, and right now in many ways, we're failing badly. Compared to much of the world, we're doing very well, but compared to where we should be? Not so well.

My message is meant as a "we're doing pretty well" message, not a "we can't do better" message - because not only can we do better, we must.

#canada #canadianpolitics #issues #wemustdobetter #equality #Care #fail

Last updated 2 years ago

juhuzefix · @juhuzefix
50 followers · 20 posts · Server
juhuzefix · @juhuzefix
46 followers · 4 posts · Server