Pink News: Elderly gay man burned by cigarette and left bruised by staff in care home abuse #LGBT #LGBTQ #Trans #Lesbian #2SLGBTQ #carehome #Health #abuse #News #UK
#lgbt #LGBTQ #trans #lesbian #2SLGBTQ #CareHome #health #abuse #news #uk
Pink News: Drag queen Rosie Zinfandel on the powerful, personal reason she did a skydive in full drag #LGBT #LGBTQ #Trans #Lesbian #2SLGBTQ #Lifestyle #dragqueen #Features #Identity #carehome #skydive
#lgbt #LGBTQ #trans #lesbian #2SLGBTQ #lifestyle #dragqueen #features #identity #CareHome #skydive
@CynthesisToday @thefreehunter with the #Fediverse it's like with #Conservation:
The only winning move is to #contain the spread of #enshittification and ban the #GAFAMs from the premises.
They won't provide any "added value" and will only act as rent-seekers.
Or would you dump a dozen non-neutered cats into a #Kakapo reserve?
Letting #NSAbook into the #Fediverse will be as catastrophal as letting #Antivaxxer & #CoronaDeniers that tested positive run a #CareHome for immunocompromized ppl.!
#CareHome #coronadeniers #antivaxxer #NSAbook #kakapo #gafams #enshittification #contain #Conservation #Fediverse
Outcry as #australian #police #taser 95-year-old #CareHome resident. My heart goes out to the family of #clareknowland . I know from my own recent experience, how tragic & upsetting it is to lose a frail & elderly mother because of an accidental fall, but this is off the scale of pain. If Clare dies, the officer should be prosecuted for murder, nothing less.
#australian #police #taser #CareHome #clareknowland
[Rick is frustrated that the government and the #CareHome have not responded to the nearly two decades of #abuse at #ShepherdsVilla .
“A #CivilSuit is our only recourse. I hope people pay attention to this case, because it’s happening in communities across the country,” he said.
“I think what we need is a thorough #examination of what’s going on in #GroupHomes and other #CareFacilities because this is not an isolated incident.”]
#CareHome #abuse #shepherdsvilla #civilsuit #examination #grouphomes #carefacilities #saskatchewan #disabled #assistedliving
#VoxPolitical | #CareHome Spends Severely #Disabled Man’s Cash on Women’s Clothes, Cosmetics and Toys
#disabled #CareHome #VoxPolitical
Seamus Jennings on #MattHancock and #CareHome dominoes – cartoon - #COVID19 #ToryPoliciesInAction
#torypoliciesinaction #COVID19 #CareHome #matthancock
Global News BC: B.C. already moving on new long-term care standards, but ready to do more: Dix #globalnews #britishcolumbia #news #long-termcarestandards #nationalstandards #Long-termCare #HealthCare #heatlhcare #AdrianDix #CareHome #Seniors #Health #COVID
#globalnews #BritishColumbia #news #long #nationalstandards #healthcare #heatlhcare #AdrianDix #CareHome #seniors #health #covid
Remember this ?
I watched this film '#Help' tonight about the experience pf the onset of the #COVID19 #pandemic through the eyes of a #carehome worker.
It was truly harrowing.
#MattHancock threw them to the wolves. No #PPE, #infection brought to their door deliberately.
Never forget. #GTTO
#toryscumout #help #COVID19 #pandemic #CareHome #matthancock #ppe #infection #gtto
Busting the myth of ‘unaffordability’ in #SocialCare—CUSP research shows how private equity firms are stacking #CareHome chains with huge levels of debt and stripping them of their assets. →
cc #NHSStrikes #NHSCrisis #NHS #PublicHealth #FollowTheMoney
#followthemoney #publichealth #nhs #nhscrisis #nhsstrikes #CareHome #Socialcare
I had another great day #singing at the #CareHome today.
I've been doing this for a few years now, and they love it just as much as I do.
Follow my music antics on Facebook and Instagram "Music Memories - Feel the Magic"
#singing #CareHome #carehomemusic #vintagemusic #dementia #musicmemories
On average 15% of older people being discharged from hospital are readmitted within 28 days. With each admission their level of #frailty and care needs increase, generating even more demand for health and #socialcare at home or in a #carehome.
#frailty #SocialCare #CareHome
A crisis within a crisis: the urgency of change for #socialcare in #Scotland. #NHScrisis #delayeddischarge #workforce #carehome #homecare
#homecare #CareHome #workforce #delayeddischarge #nhscrisis #scotland #socialcare
With a relative in a #dementia #CareHome, this is not what I wanted to read right now. But read it I have, and the immediate reaction is one of disgust.
White Coat, Black Art - Why there is so much #happiness in this long-term #CareHome that doubles as a #Grade6 #classroom — #Saskatoon residence is a ‘ #community where people thrive,’ CEO says
#community #saskatoon #classroom #grade6 #CareHome #happiness
@FreeSpeech Need to see that smile? No problem. You can wear a face shield with incorporated mask which protects both the care home resident AND the care home assistant far better than a mask alone. It's reusable and the filters can easily be replaced/sourced from existing masks and scissors
#Covid #PPE #CareHome
Empowerment through #technology in the context of #longtermcare ?
#OxAgeBlog by
#VirtualReality #ROVR #EmergingTechnologies
#CareHome #ageing
#technology #LongTermCare #oxageblog #virtualreality #rovr #emergingtechnologies #CareHome #ageing
Empowerment through #technology in the context of #longtermcare ?
#OxAgeBlog by
#VirtualReality #ROVR #EmergingTechnologies
#CareHome #ageing
#technology #LongTermCare #oxageblog #virtualreality #rovr #emergingtechnologies #CareHome #ageing
Hmm, first post hasn’t shown up. Can’t be bothered to type it all again. Just highlighting some issues with moving and handling techniques in #CareHome life!
Potentially also means that residents here require 2:1 for mobility. Which also suggests a need for higher staff requirement during the day/night shift.
Is it being overlooked to cut cost?
Complacent staff?
Poor training?
Lack of management insight?
I could go on forever. Apologies - Rant OVER #Nurse #CareHome