Giant hospital corporations cannot be allowed to exploit us by using understaffing to boost profits and, in turn, jeopardizing care. Hospitals need to protect patients and invest in their workforce, not stockholders’ pockets. #CareIsEssential https://seiu.co/3I0Sgdn
“These caregivers are facing record levels of burnout, and it’s fueling a crisis in turnover.”
Sending support to healthcare workers on the West Coast who are fighting for quality patient care, safe staffing, and retention! #CareIsEssential https://seiu.co/3FTOAcy
RT @SEIU@twitter.com
“These caregivers are facing record levels of burnout, and it’s fueling a crisis in turnover.”
Sending support to healthcare workers on the West Coast who are fighting for quality patient care, safe staffing, and retention! #CareIsEssential https://seiu.co/3FTOAcy
This Mother’s Day, urge Congress to give moms what they REALLY want, guaranteed access to affordable #childcare and #paidleave! @momsrising #CareCantWait #CareIsEssential #BuildBackBetter https://action.momsrising.org/sign/MothersDayCareInfrastructure?akid=s859430..4XcTGH
#childcare #paidleave #CareCantWait #CareIsEssential #buildbackbetter