Today's poem:
- by Carl Sandburg
#poetry #CarlSandburg #docks #ships #commerce #beckoning #impulse #wilderness #urge
#poetry #CarlSandburg #docks #ships #commerce #beckoning #impulse #wilderness #urge
Got a leg up on #ArborDay & put a fig tree in the backyard. Because he's a #Chicago Hardy, his name is Carl (after #CarlSandburg). Hence, he can channel some big shoulders energy and spread out. And any time the #JohnDenver "Plant a Tree" song that haunted my childhood comes into my head, I'll lob back the hard-won determination of Sandburg's "The Road and the End," emphasizing
"Where tall trees flank the way
And shoulder toward the sky."
(And yes, I *am* a huge dork.)
#Plants #Trees #Poetry #JohnDenver #CarlSandburg #Chicago #arborday
'Moonset' by Carl Sandburg
Leaves of poplars pick Japanese prints against the west. Moon sand on the canal doubles the changing pictures. The moon's good-by ends pictures. The west is empty. All else is empty. No moon-talk at all now. Only dark listening to dark.
This is the birthday of #American poet #CarlSandburg who we #quote and back with a picture of one of the tanks at the #LongBeachAcquarium. If this #Quotograph speaks to you please repost it.
#american #CarlSandburg #quote #longbeachacquarium #quotograph
Today in Labor History January 6, 1878: Author-poet Carl Sandburg was born on this date in Galesburg, Illinois. Sandburg also worked as a labor organizer. His work was published in the “International Socialist Review,” as well as Max Eastman’s “The Liberator,” and later worker for the “Chicago Daily News.” The Feds accused him of being a Bolshevik symp, when he was actually just a working class symp. Sandburg died on July 22, 1967.
WORKING GIRLS (by Carl Sandburg)
THE working girls in the morning are going to work--
long lines of them afoot amid the downtown stores
and factories, thousands with little brick-shaped
lunches wrapped in newspapers under their arms.
Each morning as I move through this river of young-
woman life I feel a wonder about where it is all
going, so many with a peach bloom of young years
on them and laughter of red lips and memories in
their eyes of dances the night before and plays and
Green and gray streams run side by side in a river and
so here are always the others, those who have been
over the way, the women who know each one the
end of life's gamble for her, the meaning and the
clew, the how and the why of the dances and the
arms that passed around their waists and the fingers
that played in their hair.
Faces go by written over: "I know it all, I know where
the bloom and the laughter go and I have memories,"
and the feet of these move slower and they
have wisdom where the others have beauty.
So the green and the gray move in the early morning
on the downtown streets.
#workingclass #LaborHistory #CarlSandburg #poetry #socialism @bookstadon
#workingclass #LaborHistory #CarlSandburg #poetry #socialism
There are few absolutes in this world. Carl Sandburg reveals one through this brief verse:
Choose, Carl Sandburg
#poetry #poem #Choose #poet #CarlSandburg #GoodNightAll #peace
#poetry #poem #choose #poet #CarlSandburg #goodnightall #peace
Carl Sandburg(1878-1967)
#CarlSandburg #Kirjallisuus #Käännöskirjallisuus #Käännösruno #Käännösrunous #Lyriikka #Runo #Runoja #Runosuomennos #Runokäännöksiä #Runokäännös #Runot #Runous #Runoutta #Suomennos #YhdysvaltainKirjallisuus
#CarlSandburg #kirjallisuus #kaannoskirjallisuus #kaannosruno #kaannosrunous #lyriikka #runo #runoja #runosuomennos #runokaannoksia #runokaannos #runot #runous #runoutta #suomennos #yhdysvaltainkirjallisuus
(Babylonialaisesta savitaulusta, 4000 vuotta ennen Kristusta)
Carl Sandburg(1878-1967)
#CarlSandburg #Käännösrunous #Lyriikka #Runo #Runoja #Runosuomennos #Runokäännöksiä #Runokäännös #Runot #Runous #Suomennos #YhdysvaltainKirjallisuus
#CarlSandburg #kaannosrunous #lyriikka #runo #runoja #runosuomennos #runokaannoksia #runokaannos #runot #runous #suomennos #yhdysvaltainkirjallisuus
Carl Sandburg(1878-1967)
#CarlSandburg #Kirjallisuus #Käännöskirjallisuus #Käännösruno #Käännösrunous #Lyriikka #Runo #Runoja #Runosuomennos #Runokäännöksiä #Runokäännös #Runot #Runous #Runoutta #Suomennos #YhdysvaltainKirjallisuus
#CarlSandburg #kirjallisuus #kaannoskirjallisuus #kaannosruno #kaannosrunous #lyriikka #runo #runoja #runosuomennos #runokaannoksia #runokaannos #runot #runous #runoutta #suomennos #yhdysvaltainkirjallisuus
Carl Sandburg(1878-1967)
#CarlSandburg #Kirjallisuus #Käännöskirjallisuus #Käännösruno #Käännösrunous #Lyriikka #Runo #Runoja #Runosuomennos #Runokäännöksiä #Runokäännös #Runot #Runous #Runoutta #Suomennos #YhdysvaltainKirjallisuus
#CarlSandburg #kirjallisuus #kaannoskirjallisuus #kaannosruno #kaannosrunous #lyriikka #runo #runoja #runosuomennos #runokaannoksia #runokaannos #runot #runous #runoutta #suomennos #yhdysvaltainkirjallisuus
It's fascinating how awestruck with #GPTChat many people seem to be. I decided to see what it could do in #writing in the #style of a well known author… here the #poet #CarlSandburg. I am not overly impressed: Notice GPTChat plagiarized the first line of the original — indicating that this is merely a composition of its training data and particularly original in any sense. I tried with other styles/authors and the result were very similar, if not direct copies, clearly snippets of other work.
#gptchat #writing #style #poet #CarlSandburg
the mastodons are gone
and those who saw the mastodons are gone
The #moon over Princeton right now.
“The moon is friend for the lonesome to talk to.” #CarlSandburg #poetry #autumn
#autumn #poetry #CarlSandburg #moon