Ich habe jetzt die zweite Staffel #CarnivalRow gesehen. Insgesamt ist das Fazit sehr positiv. Die Charaktere sind interessant. Vor allem aber ist die Welt gut gemacht. Es wirft historische Motive zu Rassismus, Gettoisierung und Machtpolitik hoch und zeigt sie auf. Speziell in der zweiten Staffel kommt noch als Ebene der Wirtschaftssysteme Kapitalismus/Kommunismus dazu. Beide kommen nicht gut weg und sind an die Fronten in unserem Kalten Krieg angelehnt.
¿Cómo que la T5 de #loquehacemosenlassombras está solo en inglés? #HBOMax yo te maldigo!
Pues nos ponemos con la T2 de #CarnivalRow en #PrimeVideo que por cierto, no entiendo porque esta serie ha pasado tan desapercibida.
#loquehacemosenlassombras #HBOMax #CarnivalRow #PrimeVideo #series
Die 2. Staffel von #CarnivalRow nun endlich fertig geschaut, hui. Hoffe es kommt noch eine 3. Staffel #PrimeVideo #serienjunkie #trakt #TV #Series #Shows #Televsion #Streaming @filme_serien @filmeundserien #NoSpoiler
#CarnivalRow #PrimeVideo #SerienJunkie #trakt #tv #series #shows #televsion #streaming #noSpoiler
Wie hat euch eigentlich #CarnivalRow gefallen?
#amazonprimevideo #primevideo #amazonprime #CarnivalRow
I like Orlando Bloom's character on #CarnivalRow. It's less pretty and more gritty than a lot of his stuff. Pretty cool show so far, I'm still on season 1. No spoilers please!
Well, I meditated a little bit, which slowed my down and helped the anxiety slightly. Then I walked a mile and cleaned up the kitchen a little. #SmallVictories
Has anyone seen season 2 of #CarnivalRow? I'm in the middle of season 1 and can't decide if I like it enough to keep going with it or not. It's not awful or anything, but I'm having trouble feeling excited about it.
@orionkidder I also have questions about what they were doing with ethnicity and accents there. The New Dawn are clearly coded "White" Others recalling Slavic or Balkan origins, and the Irish and Black characters are mostly fae or similar, but yeah, the English are the worst villains, of whatever classes. All hail Orlando. #CarnivalRow was fun if a bit tiresome in places.
Halfway through the penultimate episode of #CarnivalRow, and I’m getting really nervous that this is going to be some “defend the status quo”/“all lives matter” bullshit. Quite sad. The show had a high point when Philo turned his back on racist cops.
Been watching #CarnivalRow, and the vocal accents chosen for each group is *super* interesting, to me:
- The Faeries ("Pix") mostly have an Irish/Gaelic accent.
- The Burguish humans have English accents, either aristocratic for the aristocrats, or cockney-like ("chav-vy") for the police. This makes for really interesting sounding exchanges between the two main characters, Vignette and Philo, with gaelic and cockney accents, respectively.
- The "New Dawn" (communists) have Russians accents
- The Pact has an old anglo-Germanic accent, likely to match their German-Empire "Kaiser"-era styling, with airships and uniforms et al.
- The Faun seem to be all over the place, it seems like they don't have a set accent, possibly because they seem to have been primarily scattered and employed/enslaved as servants, in this universe, for some time.
There are some really problematic parts of #CarnivalRow—having mostly white people represent radicalized people, coding slaves as Irish—but god damn, they go hard against the cops and colonizers! I mean, the leading man’s whole arc is realizing how stupid and pointless it was to pass and become a cop to help his community.
#Television #tv #fantasy #pixies #fae #OrlandoBloom #CaraDelevigne
#caradelevigne #orlandobloom #fae #pixies #fantasy #tv #television #CarnivalRow
Estic malalt😩
Almenys puc aprofitar per posar-me al dia amb les sèries :al_r_catmemes:
Estic in Love amb #tedlasso #TerapiaSinFiltro #themandalorian #CarnivalRow
#CarnivalRow #themandalorian #terapiasinfiltro #tedlasso
Just saw the finale of #CarnivalRow. It was good overall, even though in the episode every single character made at least one supremely idiotic decision.
Carnival Row Season 2 ★★★★★★★☆☆☆ https://trakt.tv/shows/carnival-row/seasons/2 #CarnivalRow #trakt
Watching the second and last season of #CarnivalRow
It’s so good. Pity it’s not getting more seasons
Welp, #CarnivalRow broke my heart….
(Ok, it stabbed my heart and left it bleeding. But I am very sad for [redacted] and also [ redacted], and also pissed there is no 3rd season.)
I think #CarnivalRow is a bit of an underdog in the series department. It's a masterfully made show with surprisingly current themes. Yes, the second season felt a bit rushed in places, but I'd still recommend it—it's worth a watch. 😊
Die zweite Staffel #CarnivalRow ist womöglich noch creepier als die Erste.
Ich lieb‘s ☺️ (sorry, auch wenn es alle tun: Ich kann es nicht ohne Auslassungs-Apostroph schreiben. Nicht zu verwechseln mit dem Deppenapostroph).
Wer guckt die Serie noch?
Ich sag mal gute Nacht für heute 😴