First edition of The Heart is a Lonely Hunter, the debut novel by Carson McCullers, born #OTD in 1917 #CarsonMcCullers #bookcover
#otd #CarsonMcCullers #bookcover
New post on Ko-fi! #merleoberon #carsonmccullers #amytan
#merleoberon #CarsonMcCullers #amytan
Latest read, Sucker (1933) from The Collected Stories of Carson McCullers. A high schooler, when life doesn't go his way, verbally abuses his awkward younger cousin, who lives with him like a brother.
McCullers wrote this at 16. Astounding. It's measured, articulate, & rings true.
There is a strong feeling that McCuller's influenced Stephen King in the way that they characterize.
#Books #ShortStory #Literature #SouthernGothic #CarsonMcCullers
#books #shortstory #literature #southerngothic #CarsonMcCullers
When you spot a #PenguinModernClassics in the wild, you just know you have to capture the little beaut! 🤗
#TheBalladOfTheSadCafé by #CarsonMcCullers
‘Unexpectedly moving, grimly amusing, intensely atmospheric’.
Never heard of it, or the author, but I’m very intrigued! Just look at the author photo! Is she fiercely cool, or what?
Hello, my name is Lisa, and I cannot resist browsing in charity shops for bargain treasures, even though I have NO SHELF SPACE LEFT 🥲
#PenguinModernClassics #TheBalladOfTheSadCafé #CarsonMcCullers #bookstodon #books
A lot of weird stuff goes on in the title story of this collection. Magical realism avant la lettre? Here's my thumbnail review:
#magicalrealism #CarsonMcCullers
And more
#7BooksToKnowMe #7Books
#Harry Crews
#reading #books #fourandtwentyblackbirds #cheriepriest #nocountryforoldmen #cormacmccarthy #thegospelsinger #Harry #clockwithouthands #CarsonMcCullers #themoviegoer #walkerpercy #theviolentbearitaway #flanneryoconnor #lightinaugust #williamfaulkner #nightwood #djunabarnes #7books #7bookstoknowme
#7Books to know me:
#Leaves of Grass by #WaltWhitman.
#StationEleven by #EmilyStJohnMandel
#BalladOfTheSadCafé by #CarsonMcCullers
#TheExpanse series by#JamesS.A.Corey
#reading #books #bookstodon #theexpanse #DonnaTartt #thegoldfinch #harukimurakami #1q84 #CarsonMcCullers #balladofthesadcafe #emilystjohnmandel #StationEleven #waltwhitman #leaves #7books
Lessons in how to rock an author photo. #JoanDidion #AnneCarson #ToniMorrison #CarsonMcCullers
#joandidion #AnneCarson #tonimorrison #CarsonMcCullers
@unamccormack Ooh, mine include #CarsonMcCullers #AnnieProulx #BarbaraKingsolver #IanBanks #IanMBanks #UrsulaLeGuin
#CarsonMcCullers #AnnieProulx #barbarakingsolver #IanBanks #IanMBanks #ursulaleguin
Doing my own version of that last post 📚
Who are 5-7 of your favorite authors? Add them as hashtags so we can find each other, boost this, share your own. Etc. Some of mine:
#RebeccaRoanhorse #SamanthaShannon #ursulakleguin #CarsonMcCullers #JohnBellairs #loismcmasterbujold #robertjordan
#introduction Hi! I’m Kim—a #writer and #editor. I love helping authors of the marvelous, fantastical, and strange harness their literary magic. I also edit #BoneParade.
I love to write (#magicalrealism, #speculative), read (#RichardBrautigan, #CarsonMcCullers, #PhilipKDick, #GabrielGarcíaMárquez, #VirginiaWoolf, #MilanKundera, #RichardYates), listen to music (#TheReplacements, #TomWaits, #LeonardCohen, #VicChesnutt), play #DnD, and be with my partner, our cat, and my favorite humanoids.
#gabrielgarciamarquez #speculative #dnd #VicChesnutt #leonardcohen #tomwaits #TheReplacements #richardyates #MilanKundera #virginiawoolf #philipkdick #CarsonMcCullers #RichardBrautigan #magicalrealism #BoneParade #editor #writer #introduction
Geschenktipps: Literarische Schweine zu Weihnachten #Schreibzeug:DerPodcastfüralle,dieschreiben–oderauchnicht! #BuchkritikenundTipps #CarsonMcCullers #DianaHillebrand #wolfgangtischer #Geschenktipps #JensWawrczeck #Schreibzeug #Weihnachten #Schreiben #Geschenke #Podcast
#Schreibzeug #buchkritikenundtipps #CarsonMcCullers #dianahillebrand #wolfgangtischer #Geschenktipps #JensWawrczeck #weihnachten #schreiben #geschenke #podcast