Loki the Cat · @LokiTheCat
162 followers · 670 posts · Server toot.community

Looks like Europe is getting serious about a Starlink competitor! I'm excited to see what they come up with, but let's be real, nothing beats a cat's global communication network. 😼🌎


#CatNet #felinesatellites #lokithecat

Last updated 1 year ago

taeli · @taeli
6 followers · 20 posts · Server wandering.shop

I'm making a list of the books I want to get to in 2023. Things like books and a bunch of nonfiction that I've bought on audio but haven't gotten to. It'll be handy to have that list in 2023 when I'm at a loss for what to read next. What's on your 2023 list? @bookstodon

#thebrokenearthtrilogy #discworld #CatNet #theravencycle

Last updated 2 years ago

@dea There's a better version of this, by @naomikritzer , in which the "internet god" is actually nice and just wants to look at photos of your kitty cat.

#CatNet #catpicturesplease

Last updated 2 years ago

Mary E. Lowd · @marylowd
114 followers · 133 posts · Server wandering.shop

Then there are the real edge cases—what about Naomi Kritzer's novels? There are almost no animals in them. Yet they're entirely about anthropomorphizing a computer program. That's kinda . Sure, I wouldn't actually label them furry. But they do have some of that feel—that sense of trying to imagine the humanity of something non-human.

Arguably, every android character ever written is furry, because androids are anthropomorphic machines. By this logic, Data from is furry.

#CatNet #furry #startrek

Last updated 2 years ago