Il est cinq heures…
#CatherineRinger #AngéliqueKidjo
#FédiRadio #MastoRadio #PouetRadio
#CatherineRinger #angeliquekidjo #fediradio #mastoradio #pouetradio
🔊 #NowPlaying on fip
Angelique Kidjo & Catherine Ringer:
🎵 Ma Petite Entreprise
#nowplaying #angeliquekidjo #CatherineRinger
🔊 #NowPlaying on fip
Angelique Kidjo & Catherine Ringer:
🎵 Ma Petite Entreprise
#nowplaying #angeliquekidjo #CatherineRinger
🔊 #NowPlaying on fip
Catherine Ringer:
🎵 Como va
Time for another of Joy's Video Vednesdays. My chosen pop vid this week is 'Le Petit Train' by 80s French pop/electro/funk/WTF band Les Rita Mitsouko. This stylish offbeat Bollywood tribute avant l'heure has an extremely dark side, as befits the song's lyrics (about singer Catherine Ringer's family's concentration camp trauma).
And the song is awesome, naturally, especially if you like Sparks
#LesRitaMitsouko #CatherineRinger
Time for another of Joy's Video Vednesdays. My chosen pop vid this week is 'Le Petit Train' by 80s French pop/electro/funk/WTF band Les Rita Mitsouko. This stylish offbeat Bollywood tribute avant l'heure has an extremely dark side, as befits the song's lyrics (about singer Catherine Ringer's family's concentration camp trauma).
And the song is awesome, naturally, especially if you like Sparks
#LesRitaMitsouko #CatherineRinger
#CatherineRinger nous invite dans son atelier, où elle dévoile l'univers de son père, le peintre Sam Ringer (1918-1986). Né en Pologne, il fréquenta l'école des Beaux-Arts de Cracovie, avant d’être déporté dans neuf camps de 1940 à 1945.
Découvrez la vidéo