[1] Yanai Elazar, Jiayao Zhang, David Wadden, Bo Zhang, and Noah A. Smith. 2023. Estimating the Causal Effect of Early ArXiving on Paper Acceptance. http://arxiv.org/abs/2306.13891
[2] David Card and Alan B. Krueger. 1993. Minimum Wages and Employment: A Case Study of the Fast Food Industry in New Jersey and Pennsylvania. http://dx.doi.org/10.3386/w4509
#research #arxiv #academicpublications #CausalAnalysis
Numerically the effect of early ArXiving is defined by the causal estimand ATET (screenshot 1). The paper reports ATET is high (9.76%) *before* accounting for NOC. BUT after considering NCO, the effect is almost non-existent for authors with different citation counts or institution ranks (screenshot 2).
Conclusion: enjoy your guilt-free early ArXiving!
#research #arxiv #academicpublications #CausalAnalysis
The authors answer this question in [1] by first laying out the causal graph where early ArXiving is the treatment (variable A) and paper acceptance in a conference is the effect (variable Y; screenshot). Two confounders exist — one unobserved that is the creativity and originality of a paper (intrinsic), while the other is observed that is the topic/authors/institute of a paper (extrinsic).
#research #arxiv #academicpublications #CausalAnalysis
ArXiv.org has been a wonderful place for researchers to submit findings and catch up with the latest, but does submitting papers there (“early ArXiving”) increase the odds for them to be accepted later in a peer-reviewed venue?
(Drumroll please)
#research #arxiv #academicpublications #CausalAnalysis
RT @CausalHuber
Exciting news! My book "#CausalAnalysis: Impact Evaluation and #CausalMachineLearning with Applications in R" will be published by @mitpress on August 1st: https://mitpress.mit.edu/9780262545914/causal-analysis/#.ZBMtVJ0JHxg.twitter #EconTwitter #EpiTwitter #CausalTwitter #StatsTwitter #RStats #DataScience
#datascience #rstats #statstwitter #causaltwitter #epitwitter #EconTwitter #causalmachinelearning #CausalAnalysis
Very interesting blog post on dos and don’ts in #EventStudies and #DifferenceInDifferences for #CausalAnalysis by Nazlı Alagöz: https://towardsdatascience.com/event-studies-for-causal-inference-the-dos-and-donts-863f29ca7b65?source=social.tw
#eventstudies #differenceindifferences #CausalAnalysis
#Economics has moved from a largely theory-driven discipline to one that is (also) largely based on empirical evidence. #CausalInference methods play a key role in this development. And more to come through the ongoing integration of #AI & #MachineLearning into #CausalAnalysis.
#economics #causalinference #AI #machinelearning #CausalAnalysis
Check out this compilation of free #causalinference resources by @MatteoCourthoud@twitter.com https://link.medium.com/REoRHqc5owb #causaltwitter #causalanalysis
#causalinference #causaltwitter #CausalAnalysis
RT @CausalHuber@twitter.com
Here is the table of contents of my textbook #CausalAnalysis published by @mitpress@twitter.com in 2023. It covers a range of different #CausalInference methods, including "hot topics" like (causal) #MachineLearning, spillover effects (due to interference), and sensitivity analyses #RStats https://twitter.com/CausalHuber/status/1592152970380349440
🐦🔗: https://twitter.com/CausalHuber/status/1592863318590779393
#CausalAnalysis #causalinference #machinelearning #rstats
RT @CausalHuber@twitter.com
🔥Join us for our 3rd #WinterSchool in #DataAnalytics and #MachineLearning, Feb 6-17 2023 at @ses_unifr@twitter.com @unifr@twitter.com (hybrid format)! Courses on #MachineLearning, #DeepLearning, and #CausalAnalysis using #Knime, #RStats, #Python. Register here until Jan 31: https://www.unifr.ch/appecon/en/winterschool/
🐦🔗: https://twitter.com/CausalHuber/status/1595416509383417857
#WinterSchool #DataAnalytics #machinelearning #deeplearning #CausalAnalysis #Knime #rstats #Python
🔥Join us for our 3rd #WinterSchool in #DataAnalytics and #MachineLearning, Feb 6-17 2023 at @ses_unifr@twitter.com @unifr@twitter.com (hybrid format)! Courses on #MachineLearning, #DeepLearning, and #CausalAnalysis using #Knime, #RStats, #Python. Register here until Jan 31: https://www.unifr.ch/appecon/en/winterschool/
#WinterSchool #DataAnalytics #machinelearning #deeplearning #CausalAnalysis #Knime #rstats #Python
RT @CausalHuber@twitter.com
Here is the table of contents of my textbook #CausalAnalysis published by @mitpress@twitter.com in 2023. It covers a range of different #CausalInference methods, including "hot topics" like (causal) #MachineLearning, spillover effects (due to interference), and sensitivity analyses #RStats https://twitter.com/CausalHuber/status/1592152970380349440
🐦🔗: https://twitter.com/CausalHuber/status/1592863318590779393
#CausalAnalysis #causalinference #MachineLearning #rstats
Here is the table of contents of my textbook #CausalAnalysis published by @mitpress@twitter.com in 2023. It covers a range of different #CausalInference methods, including "hot topics" like (causal) #MachineLearning, spillover effects (due to interference), and sensitivity analyses #RStats
#CausalAnalysis #causalinference #machinelearning #rstats
RT @CausalHuber@twitter.com
Exciting news concerning my textbook "#CausalAnalysis: #ImpactEvaluation and #CausalMachineLearning with Applications in R (#RStats). I've just submitted the final corrections to the publisher @mitpress@twitter.com
😊The book will be available in summer 2023, including a free online version.
🐦🔗: https://twitter.com/CausalHuber/status/1592152970380349440
#CausalAnalysis #ImpactEvaluation #causalmachinelearning #rstats
RT @CausalHuber@twitter.com
Exciting news concerning my textbook "#CausalAnalysis: #ImpactEvaluation and #CausalMachineLearning with Applications in R (#RStats). I've just submitted the final corrections to the publisher @mitpress@twitter.com
😊The book will be available in summer 2023, including a free online version.
🐦🔗: https://twitter.com/CausalHuber/status/1592152970380349440
#CausalAnalysis #impactevaluation #CausalMachineLearning #rstats
Exciting news concerning my textbook "#CausalAnalysis: #ImpactEvaluation and #CausalMachineLearning with Applications in R (#RStats). I've just submitted the final corrections to the publisher @mitpress@twitter.com
😊The book will be available in summer 2023, including a free online version.
#CausalAnalysis #ImpactEvaluation #causalmachinelearning #rstats
🔥 Registration is open for the 3rd #Fribourg #WinterSchool in #DataAnalytics and #MachineLearning, taking place Feb 6-17 2023 in hybrid format: https://www.unifr.ch/appecon/en/winterschool/ Get trained in quantitative methods for #prediction and #CausalAnalysis using #Knime, #RStats, and #Python 😀
#Fribourg #WinterSchool #DataAnalytics #machinelearning #prediction #CausalAnalysis #Knime #rstats #Python
RT @CausalHuber@twitter.com
Delighted to announce that @mitpress@twitter.com is going to publish my book "#CausalAnalysis: Impact evaluation and #CausalMachineLearning with applications in #RStats". 😃 #EconTwitter #EpiTwitter #CausalTwitter
Special thanks to @causalinf@twitter.com and @InstEconomist@twitter.com for their support and advice! https://twitter.com/CausalHuber/status/1463235219167662084
🐦🔗: https://twitter.com/CausalHuber/status/1513415481046323200
#CausalAnalysis #CausalMachineLearning #rstats #econtwitter #epitwitter #CausalTwitter