Here is the second Sadler's Lectures podcast in the series on Thomas Aquinas' famous Five Ways. This one examines an argument based on efficient causality
#Podcast #Philosophy #Causality #Thomism #Aquinas #FiveWays #Metaphysics #Theology #God #Argument
#argument #god #theology #metaphysics #fiveways #aquinas #thomism #Causality #philosophy #podcast
Here's the first Sadler's Lectures podcast episode in a new set on Thomas Aquinas' famous Five Ways. This one is on the first, an argument for God's existence from motion or change
#Podcast #Thomas #Aquinas #FiveWays #Argument #God #Causality #Philosophy
#philosophy #Causality #god #argument #fiveways #aquinas #thomas #podcast
Here's the next core concept video in the set on Thomas Aquinas' "five ways". This fourth one presents an argument based on degrees of being (and goodness, truth, nobility. . . and heat)
#Video #Thomas #Aquinas #FiveWays #Argument #Causality #Degrees #God
#god #degrees #Causality #argument #fiveways #aquinas #thomas #video
I'm creating some new core concept videos going through each of Thomas Aquinas' "Five Ways". I'll be providing them to my students as resources in Foundations of Philosophy. Here's the first one!
#Video #Philosophy #Aquinas #Theology #God #Argument #Causality #Metaphysics
#metaphysics #Causality #argument #god #theology #aquinas #philosophy #video