Celebrations breaks out in Wayanad after SC gives relief to Rahul #Celebrations #Wayanad #SC #Rahul #socialnewsxyz
#socialnewsxyz #Rahul #sc #wayanad #Celebrations
#books #Celebrations #blackculture
"Black" A Celebration of Culture
This extraordinary book was a gift from nephew. couple of years ago he graduated from Bowie State University in Maryland.HBCU.Completed his Bachelor Degree in History went back 2 achieve his Master's in Business Administration.Love that young man anyways I'm searching 4 the proper graduation gift for him.& here he comes with this book.He said Aunty,when I saw this had to pick it up for you.Trying to hold my composure.just cried
#books #Celebrations #blackculture
This week, #Ukrainians celebrated St. #Nicholas Day marking the beginning of the winter #holiday #season. #WCK teams across the country held special #celebrations to give #kids as normal a holiday as possible, including gifts & #sweet treats with our normal #meals service!
#Ukrainians #nicholas #holiday #season #wck #Celebrations #kids #sweet #meals #ChefsForUkraine
#yule #holidays #Celebrations #WinterSolstice #witch #witchcraft #santaclaus
So it's hard to find non religious holiday music, but this song is a favorite of mine so I want to share it. And if you know of any good non Xtian holiday songs please share them with me. Thank you & blessed be.
#yule #holidays #Celebrations #WinterSolstice #witch #witchcraft #santaclaus
#yule #holidays #Celebrations #WinterSolstice #witch #witchcraft #santaclaus
So it's hard to find non religious holiday music, but this song is a favorite of mine so I want to share it. And if you know of any good non Xtian holiday songs please share them with me. Thank you & blessed be.
#yule #holidays #Celebrations #WinterSolstice #witch #witchcraft #santaclaus
One thing Twitter taught me over the last few days is that there’s a business opportunity making customised boxes of #Celebrations