Release 46 of #Cellosaurus is ready It contains information regarding 146062 #celllines and cite 26479 publications. Highlight of this release: enhancement of info on anatomical origin (tissues/organs) and cell type of cell lines.
The #Cellosaurus paper has reached over 400 citations. Thank you for citing this paper when using the resource
Release 45 of #Cellosaurus is ready It contains information regarding 145368 #celllines and cite 26279 publications. #celllines #bioinformatics #biocuration
#biocuration #bioinformatics #celllines #Cellosaurus
Today in the #Cellosaurus we have reached 4000 different sequence variations linked to #ClinVar or #dbSNP There are an additional 2450 variants not linked to these two resources. Globally these variations concern 1100 different human genes.
The #Cellosaurus site ( underwent a facelift: it is still tuned to be as efficient and effective as possible in providing information but now includes a menu bar and is adapted to smaller screens (phones and tablets).
There is a nice blog entry describing the #Cellosaurus on the #Addgene blog:
In a recent review on insect #celllines ( there is a graphical analysis of the proportion of different insect orders contributing to #Cellosaurus insect cell lines. Not suprisingly lepidoptera and diptera contribute for over 91% of these cell lines
The most cited journal in the #Cellosaurus is by far Stem Cell Research from Elsevier with 1874 citations. Almost all these papers were published since 2015 when they started publishing short reports describing ESC & iPSCs in their "Lab Resources" section. What is highly disturbing is that the number of errors in these papers is quite high (~50% of the papers have at least 1 major error). My impression is that Elsevier is milking labs for $2210 per paper without doing any real editorial checks.
Kondo's group continues to develop #celllines for rare sarcomas (will be CVCL_C7G0 in next #Cellosaurus release): Establishment and characterization of NCC-DSM1-C1: a novel cell line derived from a patient with desmoid fibromatosis
We have just put our latest #Cellosaurus newsletter online at
An opportunity to learn about the main developments in the last 15 months (Image: DALL-E: a scientist reading a newsletter in the style of N. Rockwell)
I asked ChatGPT to create a mission statement for #Cellosaurus. What is came up with is so good that I am both awed and scared by the power of such language models! #AI
The #Cellosaurus wishes all of its users an happy new year. #celllines #happy2023
#happy2023 #celllines #Cellosaurus
Based on the ~26,000 publications currently cited in the #Cellosaurus we wanted to estimate how much of the life science literature is available online (either open access or behing a paywall) versus articles that are only available on paper. As we do not cite enough papers from the 1940s & 1950s, we carried out our estimation for the period 1960-2019
Here are the results: 1960's: 87.2%, 1970 to 1990s: stable at 91.5%, 2000's: 98.9%, 2010's: 100%
In addition to the "Virology" field, two new comment fields were introduced in #Cellosaurus Rel.44: "Senescence" and "Donor information". Example: #cellline
Release 44 of #Cellosaurus is ready It contains information regarding 144568 #celllines and cite 25963 publications. Since last release (Sep 22) 2689 entries were created and 11206 updated.
New introductory video: "Why should you use Cellosaurus, the cell line encyclopedia?"
Many bench scientists are not aware of the #Cellosaurus & how it can help them use & choose the right #celllines Thus we encourage you to share it as widely as possible
Two new #celllines for a cancer for which there was not yet any cell model (will be CVCL_C6JI & CVCL_C6JJ in next #Cellosaurus release): Trabectedin Is Active against Two Novel, Patient-Derived Solitary Fibrous Pleural Tumor Cell Lines and Synergizes with Ponatinib
Today we have reached 10,000 hybridomas in the #Cellosaurus.
And found this relevant Family Guy Noah's Ark diverted cartoon on
Hello, I am exploring if this is the right place to establish a newsfeed concerning the #Cellosaurus ( a knowledge resource on cell lines. At first I will repost what I post on the Cellosaurus twitter feed but I am open to do more!