For today's #TotallyUnsurprisingNews, #AlexMashinsky, the disgraced former CEO of #Celsius #crypto infamy, has had his assets frozen. :blobcat_thisisfine:
#TotallyUnsurprisingNews #alexmashinsky #Celsius #crypto
Huge Scammer Gets Arrested 💪 :blobcathighfive:
The former CEO of bankrupt crypto lender Celsius, Alex Mashinsky, has finally been arrested.
Former #Celsius CEO charged with "securities fraud, commodities fraud, and wire fraud for defrauding customers and misleading them about core aspects of the company he founded."
It always was. Its value was 100% determined whether #Ripple actually becaming a banking giant, and it replaced #SWIFT. Without Ripple Inc. Anything else could be used, and there was no value to it.
When it is connected to the success of the company, it is a security. Same with #Celsius and #FTX. Hence, they are being charged with security fraud.
Ripple just has good lawyers, and non-tech savvy people are being judged, jury, and executioner.
Celsius-Chef Alex Mashinsky festgenommen und angeklagt #Celsius #Krypto #Klage #SEC
In more #TotallyUnsurprisingNews, the #FTC has reached a settlement with #Celsius. It includes a ban on resuming #crypto operations, and a suspended judgement of $4.7b to allow it to return these assets to duped customers. :drake_like:
Unsurprisingly, its 3 founders were not present and the FTC will proceed with cases against them in federal court. :dumpsterfire:
#TotallyUnsurprisingNews #FTC #Celsius #crypto
BREAKING: In today's #TotallyUnsurprisingNews, #Celsius Network's ex-CEO #AlexMashinsky has just been arrested!
Bloomberg: "The arrest took place Thursday morning, according to the person, who asked not to be identified because the criminal case isn’t public."
Oftentimes, karma works in cycles.
#TotallyUnsurprisingNews #Celsius #alexmashinsky
CFTC stellt fest: Celsius-Chef Mashinsky hat gegen geltendes Recht verstoßen #AlexMashinsky #CelsiusCFTC #Celsius #Krypto #CTFC
#alexmashinsky #celsiuscftc #Celsius #Krypto #ctfc
Robinhood: Kommt heute der Krypto-Abverkauf? #Robinhood #Altcoins #Celsius #Krypto
#robinhood #Altcoins #Celsius #Krypto
Wortwitz: Übernimmt Fahrenheit den Krypto-Lender Celsius? #VoyagerDigital #Unternehmen #Insolvenz #Binance #Celsius
#VoyagerDigital #Unternehmen #Insolvenz #Binance #Celsius
Imaginez que vous êtes ce professeur. Quelle serait votre réponse à cette question ? Expliquez en mode CW et n'hésitez pas à partager ce test.
#physique #physics #science #professeur #professor #thermometer #Celsius #fahrenheit
#physique #physics #Science #professeur #professor #thermometer #Celsius #fahrenheit
RT @conagua_clima
☀️🥵 Para esta tarde se pronostica ambiente extremadamente caluroso con #Temperaturas de 40 a 45 grados #Celsius en #Michoacán, #Guerrero y #Campeche. En 13 entidades más, el ambiente será muy caluroso con valores de 35 a 40 grados.
Más información en ⬇️
#temperaturas #Celsius #michoacan #Guerrero #campeche
Wie immer, sehr gute Recherchearbeit von #Coffezilla #Crypto #Celsius
Celsius-Kunden können nach 263 Tagen erstmals wieder Krypto-Gelder ausbuchen #Kryptowährungen #Auszahlungen #Plattform #Custody #Celsius #Krypto #Depot
#kryptowahrungen #auszahlungen #plattform #Custody #Celsius #Krypto #depot
Celsius: Custody-Kunden können wieder Gelder abheben #Unternehmen #Insolvenz #Celsius
#Unternehmen #Insolvenz #Celsius
Albeit the most highlighted fiasco of the year, #FTX was not the only high-profile insolvency of 2022: #celsius #gemini #Web3 #DeFi #dyor
Dyor is on Twitter!"
#FTX #Celsius #gemini #web3 #defi #dyor
Albeit the most highlighted fiasco of the year, #FTX was not the only high-profile insolvency of 2022: #celsius #gemini #Web3 #DeFi #dyor
Dyor is on Twitter!"
#FTX #Celsius #gemini #web3 #defi #dyor