Óli Gneisti (English) · @oligneisti
284 followers · 589 posts · Server social.linux.pizza

's elves are not related to but rather . The elves of myth might actually be the gods we refer to as Vanir. Categories in folklore and mythology rarely have clear boundaries.

I think the elves of Icelandic folklore were less influenced by myths and more by (a large part of the early population of Iceland were Celtic).


#CelticFolklore #norsemythology #icelandicfolklore #tolkien

Last updated 2 years ago

Nifty Buckles · @NiftyBuckles
94 followers · 426 posts · Server fosstodon.org

Oweynagat (cave of the cats) is located in Rathcroghan Royal Complex of North Co. Roscommon Ireland
Oweynagat may come from the magical wildcats featured in "Bricriu's Feast" that emerge from the cave to attack 3 Ulster warriors before being tamed by Cúchulainn.

#CelticFolklore #irishfolklore

Last updated 2 years ago