@meeper @mikoto it is intentional - Just as #PlannedObsolescence aka. #ReducedLifecycle of #Android Devices - espechally #Smartphones and #Tablets.
#Google has vested interests in creating #Bloatware to sell new #Tech...
Just as #Microsoft has vested interest in using #CensorBoot and forcing everyone into shitty #SaaS "#Cloud" #Subscriptions...
#subscriptions #Cloud #saas #CensorBoot #Microsoft #Tech #bloatware #Google #tablets #Smartphones #Android #reducedlifecycle #plannedobsolescence
@arcade Did you know that #Apple in their very finite wisdom decided to not put their #AEFI / #BridgeOS on a seperate flash but instead shove it onto proprietary flash chips so if your soldered-in SSD dies - and it will inevitably die over use and time - you can't even make the thing boot off an external drive as it's braindead.
Also good luck trying to crack Apple's #CensorBoot and finding a way to write new #firmware to those chips which you can't buy anywhere legally!
#firmware #CensorBoot #BridgeOS #aefi #Apple
#Ubuntu is literally signed with said "#SecureBoot" aka. #CensorBoot keys and you can literally use #Ventoy to circumvent that since that's also supporting "Secure" boot...
Either way, the only valid option is to refuse to buy that shit in the first place and demand a full refund because one should be able to expect the ability to install their own OS of choice in 2023.
Thx for reminding me why I never bought any #ThinkPad ever since...
#thinkpad #Ventoy #CensorBoot #secureboot #Ubuntu
@viel_zu_negativ ja, und #Wine hat das ganze inzwischen massivst verbessert.
Die einzigen Probleme gibt's mit Schrottware von z.B. Microsoft die bewusst darauf engineered wird damit diese nicht unter Wine läuft.
Und ja, die #Enshittification von #Windows ist real, sei's #Bloatware, #Adware, #Datenhehlerei oder #CensorBoot...
#AllGAFAMsAreEvil und das einzige was hilft ist Hersteller von Hard- und Software per Kauf (verweigerung) dazu zu zwingen, es zu unterstützen...
#allgafamsareevil #CensorBoot #Datenhehlerei #adware #bloatware #Windows #enshittification #Wine
@eniko if it was about #ITsec it would've been implemented in a way that lets #users, not #BigTech like #Microsoft, decide what to trust.
Instead of #CensorBoot we would've gotten #NERF + #Heads...
But instead we get the same fundamentally unfixable bs that are #CAs...
#cas #heads #nerf #CensorBoot #Microsoft #BigTech #users #ITSec
@Seirdy *nodds in agreement*
#SystemD was necessary and so far I think it did solve a lot of issues. OFC for embedded Systems one can still literally use a single shell script as init process...
#Sandboxing is a #Security feature and Tools like #Snap, #FlatPak and #AppImage make it easy to provide cross-distro apps that just run.
Verified Bootchains as implemented with #CensorBoot on #UEFI are just bad #DRM. #Heads as alternative Firmware makes it better.
#heads #DRM #uefi #CensorBoot #appimage #Flatpak #snap #Security #sandboxing #systemd
@enigmatico also yes, you can get #Linux to run on basically anything - and thanks to #goldenKeyBoot #Microsoft failed with #CensorBoot being effective at all...
#CensorBoot #Microsoft #goldenkeyboot #Linux
@stux #YecureBook aka. #CensorBoot was unfixably broken with the #GoldenKeyBoot.
Also "client-sode encryption" one #GMail - like @protonmail - is just a literal lie to customers: NOTHING is being encrypted at all!!!
#Gmail #goldenkeyboot #CensorBoot #yecurebook
Basically, #Microsoft admits that #SecureBoot is just #CensorBoot and can't even secure a machine properly from low-level attacks.
And that's why they don't use on in their still-supported Gaming #Consoles:
#consoles #CensorBoot #secureboot #Microsoft
@edv_nachrichten ich wette die meisten Leute migrieren nach #EoL von #Windows zu #Linux [z.B. #Ubuntu LTS] wegen #CensorBoot + #TPM requirement!
#tpm #CensorBoot #Ubuntu #Linux #Windows #eol
@cyberfeed have fun fucking up #CensorBoot!
It's #unfixable...
@cyberfeed #SecureBoot aka. #CensorBoot is useless since the #GoldenKeyBoot #leak of the #PrivateKeys...
#privatekeys #Leak #goldenkeyboot #CensorBoot #secureboot
@allo @monoxyd Auf #PC's haste das Problem inzwischen auch...
Nicht nur wegen #CensorBoot aka. #InsecureBoot für #winSchrott, sondern vorallem mit proprietärem #UEFI-Müll und mangelnder Offenlegung seitens der Hersteller...
Ich kann ja verstehen wenn man wegen #TechIlliterates weder #Heads noch #Skulls umsetzen mag, aber #NERF aka. #LinuxBoot hat nur Vorteile weil's schneller und besser ist!
#linuxboot #nerf #skulls #heads #TechIlliterates #uefi #WinSchrott #insecureboot #CensorBoot #pc
@gamingonlinux Personally, I expect people to move more and more from #Windows10 to #Windows11 due to the bs requirement for a #TPM for #CensorBoot...
#CensorBoot #tpm #Windows11 #windows10
@ConserveLetters and as much as I hate to say it, #Stallman was right calling "#SecureBoot" out as #CensorBoot.
Because this and #Windows11 are solely done to #FUD people from using #Linux!
#Linux #fud #Windows11 #CensorBoot #secureboot #Stallman