I think LinuxUnplugged has a good take on the latest Redhat debacle...
#redhat #opensource #rhl #AlmaLinux #centos #CentOSStream
How To Migrate CentOS 7 To AlmaLinux 8, CentOS 8, Oracle Linux 8, Rocky Linux 8 Using ELevate #Elevate #Centos7 #Centos8 #CentosStream #Almalinux8 #Oraclelinux8 #Rockylinux8 #EnterpriseLinux #RHEL8 #MigrateCentos7 #CentosMigration
#CentosMigration #MigrateCentos7 #rhel8 #enterpriselinux #Rockylinux8 #Oraclelinux8 #Almalinux8 #CentOSStream #centos8 #centos7 #elevate
#CentOS co-founder Greg Kurtzer on #CentOSStream: „Red Hat did the right thing“ - thanks! We’re not always perfect, but we always try to do things right. https://www.theregister.com/2021/07/09/centos_stream_greg_kurtzer/
[Quote RT]
In case folks missed it, the @CentOS Hyperscale SIG released an experimental Workstation (GNOME) spin powered by #CentOSStream 8: https://lists.centos.org/pipermail/centos-devel/2021-June/077079.html​
And yes, it uses @btrfs 🧈 by default! 😉 https://twitter.com/Det_Conan_Kudo/status/1409294988949823490​
[RT @carlwgeorge]
Upgrading from #CentOSLinux 8 to #CentOSStream 8 just got easier. We've reduced it to two simple commands.
dnf swap centos-linux-repos centos-stream-repos
dnf distro-sync
I recorded a short @asciinema recording to demonstrate the process.
Una news di pochi giorni fa: #IBM #Redhat ha killato il progetto #CentOS e ti costringono eventualmente a migrare a #CentOsStream. Tipico esempio di chi ha capito come sfruttare gratuitamente il lavoro della "comunità " e di renderlo chiuso. Probabilmente i #monopoli a posteriori rilevati con una decina di anni di distanza sono figli anche di questi abusi...
#ibm #CentOSStream #redhat #centos #monopoli
RedHat shifting away from CentOS Linux to focus on CentOS Stream https://buff.ly/2VZXmOn #Linux #RedHat #CentOS #HPC #CentOSStream #RHEL #enterprise
#enterprise #RHEL #CentOSStream #HPC #centos #RedHat #Linux
How To Migrate To CentOS Stream 8 From CentOS Linux 8 #CentOS8 #CentOSStream #Linux #LinuxMigration #RHEL #Redhat
#RedHat #RHEL #linuxmigration #Linux #CentOSStream #centos8