Deepest condolences to people of #Russia, having heard that in less than one week their country will be formally adopting a #CentralBankDigitalCurrency, 'CBDC' for short.
If it's any consolation #Australia has had a #CBDC in the form of all our banks' and most online businesses' HTTPS unencrypted at CloudFlare, Amazon and Akamai. At least your government is screwing you openly.
This doesn't make it any less awful, though.
#russia #CentralBankDigitalCurrency #australia #cbdc #CBDCs #bitcoinfixesthis #centralbankdigitalclownmoney
Il presidente della Banca nazionale svizzera (#BNS) durante una conferenza a #Zurigo, ha annunciato che la banca prevede di emettere una valuta digitale una #CentralBankDigitalCurrency (#CBDC) sull’#exchange digitale svizzero #SIX come parte di un progetto pilota. Secondo il presidente Thomas #Jordan, questo non è solo un esperimento, ma piuttosto un’opportunità per creare un valore reale equivalente alle riserve bancarie.
Mio articolo
#bns #zurigo #CentralBankDigitalCurrency #cbdc #exchange #six #jordan
Before 9/11 a lot of #popCulture centered on #twinTowers (being attacked). An amount of #hysteria was built up.
We cannot help but see similarities today, mostly around #AI and #cyberAttacks.
We'd anticipated years ago a #falseFlag attack on #banks, and under the guise of solving the problem we might end up with a #CentralBankDigitalCurrency (#CBDC).
The aim being to funnel us into building more #weapons, more cheaply, to kill ourselves with.
Yes AI is bad, but the real solution is…(1/2)
#popculture #twintowers #hysteria #ai #cyberattacks #falseflag #banks #CentralBankDigitalCurrency #cbdc #weapons
Governments have an answer to this: the #CentralBankDigitalCurrency, or #CBDC. CBDCs are basically government-run payment processing and banking services - a way to turn money back into a public good, controlled by public institutions, without the need to pay rent on your cash, or convince a bank manager that you should be allowed to spend money at all.
#CentralBankDigitalCurrency #cbdc
#TimBrown Editor #SonsOfLibertyMedia & Radio who I host 6 days a week on #RadioAmericaUSA
MUST WATCH VIDEO! G Edward Griffin: If #CBDCs Are Implemented, It's All Over!
G Edward Griffin has warned about the #FederalReserve and central banking in general for decades. He exposed the fraud of the system in his blockbuster book, The Creature from Jekyll Island: A Second Look at the Federal Reserve. He joins Tim in this episode to talk about #CentralBankDigitalCurrency ( #CBDC ) and how dangerous they are to #liberty. According to Griffin, we must fight CBDCs because if they are ever implemented, it will be game over for #freedom and survival.
#freedom #liberty #cbdc #CentralBankDigitalCurrency #federalreserve #CBDCs #RadioAmericaUSA #sonsoflibertymedia #TimBrown #America
🔥WhoIS MOSTlikely TOexcept?
🔥 #centralBANKdigitalcurrency
🔥 #DigitalID
🔥 #socialCREDITscore
🔥theGOV titties
🔥HOWcan they SAYno?
🔥whenTHEY have noOTHER options
🔥they’ve leftBEHIND their family&Nation
🔥WE areALREADY #NWOslaves
That WHY they GAVE THEM #cellphones 📱 & $$$$$ ✌️
#cellphones #NWOslaves #1WORLDgovernment #socialcreditscore #Digitalid #cbdc #CentralBankDigitalCurrency
#Cryptocurrencies #CBDCsystem #CentralBankDigitalCurrency US Federal Reserve Bank Seeks Software Developers for Central Bank Digital Currency System: The US Federal Reserve Bank Seeks Software Developers for CBDC System Maintenance. The San Francisco branch of the US Federal Reserve Bank has recently announced a job opening for…
#cryptocurrencies #cbdcsystem #CentralBankDigitalCurrency
#Cryptocurrencies #CBDC #CentralBankDigitalCurrency “US Federal Reserve Bank Seeks Senior Developer for CBDC System Maintenance”: The San Francisco branch of the US Federal Reserve Bank has recently advertised a job opening for software developers to maintain their central bank digital currency (CBDC) system. This job posting was made on…
#cryptocurrencies #cbdc #CentralBankDigitalCurrency
Watch the #CentralBankDigitalCurrency #Documentary
#CBDC #DigitalCurrency #DigitalDollar #DigitalID #DigitalPassports #VaccinePassports #SocialCreditScore #TheGreatReset
#TheGreatReset #socialcreditscore #VaccinePassports #DigitalPassports #Digitalid #DigitalDollar #digitalcurrency #cbdc #documentary #CentralBankDigitalCurrency
#Tanzania Considers Introduction of #CentralBankDigitalCurrency #CBDC
#tanzania #CentralBankDigitalCurrency #cbdc
Central Bank Digital Currency Tracker
#CentralBankDigita CurrencyTracker #CentralBankDigitalCurrency #CBDCTracker #CBDC #CBDCs #digitaldollar #digialcurrency
#centralbankdigita #CentralBankDigitalCurrency #cbdctracker #cbdc #CBDCs #DigitalDollar #digialcurrency
Central Bank Digital Currency Tracker
December 15, 2022 • 6:00am ET
#UnitedStates #digitalcurrency #UScbdc #CBDC #unitedstatesCBDC #centralbankdigitalcurrency
#unitedstates #digitalcurrency #USCBDC #cbdc #unitedstatesCBDC #CentralBankDigitalCurrency
Central Bank Digital Currency Tracker
December 15, 2022 • 6:00am ET
#UnitedStates #digitalcurrency #UScbdc #CBDC #unitedstatesCBDC #centralbankdigitalcurrency
#unitedstates #digitalcurrency #USCBDC #cbdc #unitedstatesCBDC #CentralBankDigitalCurrency
December 15, 2022 • 6:00am ET
It’s official: The #UnitedStates is developing a bank-to-bank #digitalcurrency #UScbdc #CBDC #unitedstatesCBDC #centralbankdigitalcurrency
#unitedstates #digitalcurrency #USCBDC #cbdc #unitedstatesCBDC #CentralBankDigitalCurrency
December 15, 2022 • 6:00am ET
It’s official: The #UnitedStates is developing a bank-to-bank #digitalcurrency #UScbdc #CBDC #unitedstatesCBDC #centralbankdigitalcurrency
#unitedstates #digitalcurrency #USCBDC #cbdc #unitedstatesCBDC #CentralBankDigitalCurrency
Why #HongKong Is Pushing for Its Own #CentralBankDigitalCurrency #CBDC
#hongkong #CentralBankDigitalCurrency #cbdc
Why #HongKong Is Pushing for Its Own #CentralBankDigitalCurrency #CBDC
#hongkong #CentralBankDigitalCurrency #cbdc