🔵 Grazie alla segnalazione di @alarm_phone e al supporto aereo di #SeaBird di @seawatch_intl, ieri la nave #GeoBarents di @MSF_Sea ha soccorso 38 persone, che si trovavano in pericolo su una piccola imbarcazione in vetroresina, nel #Mediterraneo centrale.Grazie #CivilFleet!MSF Sea: 🔴 BREAKING NEWSAfter an alert from @alarm_phone, #GeoBarents rescued 38 people including an unaccompanied minor.They were found in distress on an unseaworthy small fiberglass boat located in the international waters in the #centralmed.@seawatch_intl provided aerial support https://t.co/dFAZzlcRIj
#seabird #GeoBarents #mediterraneo #civilfleet #CentralMed
After an alert from @alarm_phone, #GeoBarents rescued 38 people including an unaccompanied minor.
They were found in distress on an unseaworthy small fiberglass boat located in the international waters in the #centralmed.
@seawatch_intl provided aerial support https://t.co/dFAZzlcRIj
🐦🔗: https://n.respublicae.eu/JudithSargentin/status/1668336529591398403
Die #SeaPunkOne ist endlich soweit und steht kurz vor der ersten Mission #MED 🥳
Dafür wird aktuell noch nach ein paar Positionen gesucht:
- Head of Operation
- Navigator/ Officer
- Cult. Mediator or Guest Care
Bei Interesse kann sich bei crewing@seapunks.de gemeldet werden. :boost_ok:
#SeaPunk #SeaPunk1 #SeaRescue #LeaveNoOneToDie #FreedomOfMovement #Mediterranean #CentralMed #Seebrücke #SeenotRettung #LeaveNoOneBehind #SAR #Schiff #Ship #NikonD80 #RescueShips
#SeaPunkOne #med #SeaPunk #SeaPunk1 #searescue #LeaveNoOneToDie #freedomofmovement #mediterranean #CentralMed #seebrucke #seenotrettung #LeaveNoOneBehind #sar #schiff #ship #nikond80 #rescueships
RT @MSF_Sea: Today marks the 20th day since #GeoBarents was put under detention. And during all these days, there is no doubt about who have been impacted the most : people seeking safety.
🟢Miriam made it across the #Centralmed to tell her story.
⚫️How many souls haven't made it by now?
🐦🔗: https://n.respublicae.eu/JudithSargentin/status/1636370715086848000
RT @MSF_Sea: “Since Thursday, #GeoBarents is detained and we are currently assessing what legal actions we can take to contest. While we are not operational, people continue to die at sea due to the lack of safe passages and state-led rescue mechanisms in the #CentralMed”
🐦🔗: https://n.respublicae.eu/ErnstCornelia/status/1630476352393555968
#GeoBarents #CentralMed #TheyWillPay
RT @MSF_Sea: ⚫️ Today our team was supposed to be back at sea to prevent more deaths in the #CentralMediterranean.
❓ Who will pay the real price of the detention imposed on #GeoBarents?
The people crossing the #CentralMed who will be left without assistance.
🐦🔗: https://n.respublicae.eu/JudithSargentin/status/1629171760212983810
#CentralMediterranean #GeoBarents #CentralMed
RT @matthimon: In its "Action Plan for the Central Mediterranean", the EU Commission calls for "promotion" of a dialogue between #CentralMed states on "regional approaches to search and rescue".
But this "dialogue" is not happening, @YlvaJohansson tells @oezlemademirel:
🐦🔗: https://n.respublicae.eu/OezlemADemirel/status/1618245859187240961
❗️@MSF_Sea chiede una soluzione per #GeoBarents e #OceanViking che sia rispettosa del diritto internazionale: il #portosicuro più vicino per lo sbarco delle persone soccorse, che non può essere quello di #Ancona ❗️MSF Sea: ‼️Ancona is 3.5 days away from where the #GeoBarents currently stands at sea. This means delaying the much needed access to assistance on land for survivors; and keeping a SAR vessel away from the #CentralMed. #MSF asks the Italian gvtm to give survivors on board a closer port
#msf #CentralMed #ancona #portosicuro #oceanviking #GeoBarents
How Italy is contributing to the constitution of Lybian maritime forces #migrationatsea #CentralMed #Lybia https://irpimedia.irpi.eu/en-how-italy-built-libyas-maritime-forces/
#lybia #CentralMed #migrationatsea
Looks like @EU_Commission took some inspiration from ECRE, Amnesty and @humanrightswatch for the title and structure of its communication on #CentralMed today.
But how many similarities will there be on the substance?
June 2021, HRW, ECRE, Amnesty: https://www.hrw.org/news/2021/06/16/plan-action-twenty-steps-protect-people-move-along-central-mediterranean-route
Nov 2022, EU Commission: https://ec.europa.eu/commission/presscorner/detail/en/ip_22_7068
Focus needed on increased search-and-rescue capacities, responsibility-sharing and conditioning cooperation with #Libya to end of abuses there.
Lengthy stand-offs in #CentralMed increase suffering & deny humane solutions.
Returning boats to international waters amount to a collective expulsion.
#Italy should facilitate disembarkations; other EU states should help by relocating people rescue.
RT @MSF_Sea: 📢 572 people aboard #GeoBarents, 234 on #OceanViking, 179 on #Humanity1 are still waiting for a place of safety to disembark.
❗️ Without the life-saving work of the #civilfleet, 985 people would have been left to drown in the #CentralMed.
🔴 They need a port of safety NOW.
🐦🔗: https://nitter.eu/JudithSargentin/status/1588086471285686278
#GeoBarents #OceanViking #Humanity1 #CivilFleet #CentralMed
The #LouiseMichel is back in Spain for maintenance work. We left the #CentralMed once again full of rage & anger at the system that’s driven by economics, nationalism and racism, and that is intentionally letting people risk their lives and drown every day. This must stop!
La nave civile @mvlouisemichel ha soccorso 48 persone che rischiavano di annegare o di essere deportate in #Libia.Adesso è un dovere delle Autorità assegnare un #portosicuro dove sbarcare subito.#Fateliscendere!LouiseMichel: 48 people were rescued yesterday, but no rescue is complete without a #SafePort!The #centralMed is one of the deadliest borders, but not the only one which kills. Lives are lost at land and sea borders everyday. Borders are the problem.We need #FreedomOfMovementForAll #noborders
#noborders #FreedomOfMovementForAll #CentralMed #safeport #fateliscendere #portosicuro #libia
48 people were rescued yesterday, but no rescue is complete without a #SafePort!The #centralMed is one of the deadliest borders, but not the only one which kills. Lives are lost at land and sea borders everyday. Borders are the problem.We need #FreedomOfMovementForAll #noborders
#noborders #FreedomOfMovementForAll #CentralMed #safeport
We are getting ready for the next rotation. Soon the #LouiseMichel will be back in the #centralMed, one of the deadliest borders in the world. We stand in full Solidarity with all people on the move, and against deadly border policies. Freedom of movement for all! Borders kill!
"Non tutti hanno il coraggio per farlo. Chi si schiera su questo tema può ricevere critiche e insulti"La collaborazione di @GhaliFoh con Mediterranea nell'articolo di @GiansandroMerli per @ilmanifesto✊🏽Unisciti a #Ghali, sostieni le nostre missioni👇🏽Giansandro Merli: Il rapper @GhaliFoh dona a @RescueMed una barca per soccorrere i migranti. Si chiamerà come una canzone del nuovo album. Aperta anche una sottoscrizione.Oggi su @ilmanifesto #mediterraneo #centralmed https://ilmanifesto.it/una-bayna-in-mezzo-al-mare
#CentralMed #mediterraneo #ghali
RT Giansandro MerliIl rapper @GhaliFoh dona a @RescueMed una barca per soccorrere i migranti. Si chiamerà come una canzone del nuovo album. Aperta anche una sottoscrizione.Oggi su @ilmanifesto #mediterraneo #centralmed https://ilmanifesto.it/una-bayna-in-mezzo-al-mare
🆘6 persone in mare erano aggrappate a una boa vicino all'isola Kerkenah nel #Mediterraneo centrale. La CG tunisina non è riuscita a trovarle@alarm_phone ha perso il contatto con loro sabato sera - chiediamo a tutte le Guardie Costiere di continuare le ricerche#DontLetThemDrownAlarm Phone: SOS! 6 people were clinging to a buoy in the #CentralMed near Kerkenah island. The Tunisian coastguards could not find them there. Since last night the travellers are not reachable and we fear for their lives. We ask Coast Guards to continue the research. #DontLetThemDrown!
#DontLetThemDrown #CentralMed #mediterraneo
RT @UN_FAO_GFCM: 🇦🇱🇩🇿🇭🇷🇨🇾🇪🇬🇪🇺🇫🇷🇬🇷🇮🇱🇮🇹🇱🇧🇱🇾🇲🇹🇲🇪🇲🇦🇸🇮🇪🇸🇸🇾🇹🇳🇹🇷
Thanks to the 2⃣0⃣countries, 1⃣1⃣observers &the experts at #GFCM_SAC who have:
🌍Endorsed #MedSea4Fish
& formulated advice on fisheries & ecosystems, incl. on:
✅Management of #europeaneel, demersal in #CentralMed &deep water #redshrimp
#GFCM_SAC #MedSea4Fish #europeaneel #CentralMed #redshrimp