My post: I'm & was diagnosed with "hyperactivity" before existed in the DSM. I self-diagnosed in my 20s, back in the early 2000s, but only got an official diagnosis (privately, as the NHS in my area was useless for AFAB adults) in January 2020. In addition, I'm and too.

I'm and - my main diagnoses are , , , and (among others).

As well as being , I'm an , a and , and .

I love the character and the actor Sebastian Stan, , , , , and anything or . is definitely a (and clearly I love hashtags too 😂).

If I say something that seems off, please just ask me to clarify. I always try to say exactly what I mean, but that doesn't always translate in reality.

#introduction #Autistic #adhd #Dyspraxic #dyscalculic #disabled #ChronicallyIll #POTS #CentralSleepApnea #endometriosis #interstitialcystitis #hidradenitissuppurativa #actuallyautistic #atheist #humanist #demisexual #bisexual #nonbinary #marvel #TheWinterSoldier #rats #knitting #crochet #tunisianCrochet #writing #medicine #scientific #learning #spin

Last updated 2 years ago