Kudzidzisa ChiShona Kupuraimari: Mudonzvo wemudzidzisi by Kutsirayi Timothy Gondo; Wiseman Magwa
#chiShona, #bhuku, #mabhuku, #CentreforAdvancedStudiesofAfricanSociety, #dzidzo
CASAS Book Series 50
#chiShona #bhuku #mabhuku #CentreforAdvancedStudiesofAfricanSociety #dzidzo
Chilumbumazu cha Luvale by Henry Ndau
#CentreforAdvancedStudiesofAfricanSociety, #Luvale, #mazu
"CASAS Book Series No. 111"
#CentreforAdvancedStudiesofAfricanSociety #luvale #mazu
Edikisyonari lo Ateso by Simon Peter Ongodia
#CentreforAdvancedStudiesofAfricanSociety, #Ateso, #eitaabo, #edikisyonari
CASAS Book Series No. 48
#CentreforAdvancedStudiesofAfricanSociety #Ateso #eitaabo #edikisyonari
Ufulu Ndi Sankho: Vuto ya azimai mu Zambia by Naomi Njobvu
#ciNyanja, #ciCewa, #Chichewa, #Chinyanja, #CentreforAdvancedStudiesofAfricanSociety, #Zambia, #akazi, #akaziakuda
"This publication was printed with the kind support of the Open Society Initiative for Southern Africa (OSISA)."
#cinyanja #cicewa #Chichewa #chinyanja #CentreforAdvancedStudiesofAfricanSociety #Zambia #akazi #akaziakuda
Kuwa Mwafrika: Kugundua tera Njia za sili za (Utu) Unhu-Ubuntu-Botho na Kuwa Binadamu by Mandivamba Rukuni; Martha Qorro
#CentreforAdvancedStudiesofAfricanSociety, #kitabu, #Kiswahili, #Afrika, #utamaduni
"Kitabu hiki ni kwa heshima ya wazazi wangu, familia yangu, ukoo wangu wa Rozvi, na heshima ya pekee kwa mizimu ya Waafrika, ambao busara zao tunazihitaji sana sasa, ili kuijenga tena nchi yetu, Afrika"
#CentreforAdvancedStudiesofAfricanSociety #kitabu #Kiswahili #afrika #utamaduni
Kuchudzelana Kwetilwimi eSwatini by Gloria Baby Malambe; Vusi Musa Magongo
#CentreforAdvancedStudiesofAfricanSociety, #eSwatini, #íncwadzí, #síNgísi, #lúlwîmi, #inhlonipho, #siSwati
Sehluko sekucala: Singeniso
Sehluko seesibili: Lokubhalwe ng'aphambili
Sehluko sesishatfu: Imigono yelulwimi eSwatini
Sehluko sesine: imitshelela yemigomo yelulwimi
Sehluko sesihlanu: Imitshelela yekuchudzelana
Sehluko sesitfupha: Siphetfo
Tincwadzi letisetjentisiwe
#CentreforAdvancedStudiesofAfricanSociety #eswatini #incwadzi #singisi #lulwimi #inhlonipho #siSwati
Akan Nsɛmfuasekyerɛ by J. Gyekye-Aboagye; S.A. Gyima; L.A. Okraku; R.M. Opong; S.K. Coleman; Alex Oteng Boakye
#Akan, #CentreforAdvancedStudiesofAfricanSociety, #nwoma, #nsɛmfuankyerɛaseɛnwoma
"First Published 2002
Reprinted 2006
This revised edition was produced by J. Gyekye-Aboagye and S.A. Gyima"
#Akan #CentreforAdvancedStudiesofAfricanSociety #nwoma #nsɛmfuankyerɛaseɛnwoma
Pfungwa Huru Dzekuongorora: Nadzo Uvaranomwe by Kutsirayi Timothy Gondo
#chiShona, #bhuku, #mabhuku, #CentreforAdvancedStudiesofAfricanSociety, #Uvaranomwe
"This book is the first attempt at writing about theories of literature in ChiShona. It has not been done before. It gives a critical analysis of some of the major theories of both written and unwritten literature using ChiShona as a medium of writing and explains the major tenets, place and value of the major literary theories while using an African perspective of evaluating literature. It uses African existential experiences as underpinning the whole understanding of African creative art processes. Thus, the book sees it as vital the need to accept and promote scholarship that recognizes African identities and life experiences as the kind of values that realistically lead to the total emancipation and liberation of the African people. It is premised on the notion that meaningful criticism of African literature can only become possible when it takes into account the whole historical experiences of the African people. Thus, there is a clear understanding in the book that criticism of literature always presupposes use of major theoretical positions and persuasions that underpin the criticism itself."
#chiShona #bhuku #mabhuku #CentreforAdvancedStudiesofAfricanSociety #Uvaranomwe
Fↄlↄ Kita Maninkaw by Boniface Keïta
#CentreforAdvancedStudiesofAfricanSociety, ߓߡߊߣߊ߲ߞߊ߲, #بامبارا#, #Bámánánkán
"Le présent livre est la version en bambara de la chronique de Kita que j'ai traduite en français et fait éditer par la Coopérative Culturelle Jamana dont le Directeur à l'époque était Monsieur Alpha Oumar Konaré."
#CentreforAdvancedStudiesofAfricanSociety #بامبارا #bamanankan
Bedo Dano me Apirika: Cakko Ngeyo Aber Yo me Kwo me Tekwaro me Unhu-Ubuntu-Botho me Bedo Dano by Mandivamba Rukuni; Okonye Godman
#Lango, #Lëblaŋo, #Lëblango, #LebLango, #buke, #CentreforAdvancedStudiesofAfricanSociety
Jami Ame Tye Iyie
1. Atin Awobi Shona Atidi
2. Lonyo Me Apirika Ame Wi Jo Owil Kede
3. Gero Ot Angec Angec
4. Yoe Ame Apirik Lubu Me Bedo Dano
5. Nge Kan Iya Iye
6. Nge Kan Ame Iwot Iye
7. Mar Bedo Kede Cuny Atut Kede Gwok Tammi
8. Ket Cunyi i tic
9. Mii Mic kede Cuny Aler, Gam kede Pwoc
10. Mar Pwonyere
11. Lel kede Wo: Tic Obanga
12. Nuer, Tuk eka Ite Galle Wangi kede Yic a Yom
13. Lok Ite Winyo Kop a Jo Okene
14. Bedo ikwo me Unhu-Ubuntu
15. Yo me ateni me dwoggo ngec me Apirika me kare acon
Me Agiki
#Lango #Lëblaŋo #Lëblango #LebLango #buke #CentreforAdvancedStudiesofAfricanSociety
Umphandza: Sichazamagama seSiSwati by Cynthia Sbusiso Hlophe; Dorothy Siphiwe Tsabedze; Busisiwe Dlamini-Nkomo; Thoko Mgabhi; Thapelo J. Otlogetswe
#siSwati, #íncwadzí, #lúlwîmi, #CentreforAdvancedStudiesofAfricanSociety
"This is the first monolingual SesiSwati dictionary. The completion and publication of this dictionary marks an important milestone in the march forward towards the development of the capacity for SesiSwati to emerge as a language of formal education."
#siSwati #íncwadzí #lúlwîmi #CentreforAdvancedStudiesofAfricanSociety
Nyansapɔw by J. Gyekye-Aboagye
#Akan, #Ghana, #Nyansapo, #CentreforAdvancedStudiesofAfricanSociety
"This book is a collection of Akan proverbs assembled over the author’s years of travel across the Akan-speaking areas of Ghana. The text is monolingual, with explanations of the meanings of the proverbs."
#Akan #ghana #Nyansapo #CentreforAdvancedStudiesofAfricanSociety
Kudzidzisa Ruzhinji RweAfurika Nendimi Dzevatema by Kwesi Kwaa Prah; John Mambambo
#chiShona, #bhuku, #mabhuku, #mutauro, #Africa, #CentreforAdvancedStudiesofAfricanSociety
"This is the ChiShona translation of CASAS Book Series No.7 (African Languages for the Mass Education of Africans)."
#chiShona #bhuku #mabhuku #mutauro #africa #CentreforAdvancedStudiesofAfricanSociety
Araut Itunganan Yen Ko Afrika: Angicun bobo iwaitin luka Unhu-Ubuntu-Botho luka Eutunganane by Mandivamba Rukuni; Simon Peter Ongodia
#Ateso, #eitabo, #acoa, #asioman, #CentreforAdvancedStudiesofAfricanSociety
Being Afrikan: Rediscovering the Traditional Unhu-Ubuntu-Botho Pathways of Being Human
CASAS Book Series #54
#Ateso #eitabo #acoa #asioman #CentreforAdvancedStudiesofAfricanSociety
Dikishinali ya SiLozi-SiLozi by Bostor Mundia Mwendende
#SiLozi, #Lozi, #Rozi, #Rotse, #dikishinali, #CentreforAdvancedStudiesofAfricanSociety
CASAS Book Series #78
#SiLozi #Lozi #Rozi #Rotse #dikishinali #CentreforAdvancedStudiesofAfricanSociety