Yeah, I've been using that term delayists for going on 5 years now, not just because of tactic but because it's a larger group than the denialists. Every time I hear paced goals to some future year (usually conveniently beyond the current term of office for whoever is saying it), I see delayism.
They are saying don't judge me for what I'm doing now, love me for what I'm NOT forcing you to do. Hate someone else for truth-telling later, and PLEASE don't study up enough to know that when it's ten times worse later than it needed to be, it's because of MY delay.
Biden is in this set. So are many Dems. They pick and choose, happy to like solar panels but still OK with new drilling, fracking, or natural gas. They won't go near the perils of consumerism or degrowth. They still insist on growing manufacturing. They aren't talking about real and imminent perils of drought and famine due to failed grain crops or loss of fish stocks due to heat. These will hit us suddenly with much talk of how surprised they are and who could have known?
We need to be a society that sees this coming, not one that is blind-sided or all the science was a waste. (
They're proud they're in there instead of Republicans, and indeed the damage is less bad with them there, but they still daily risk "game over" scenarios by telling people that moving at a moderate pace is enough.
Physics does not grade on the curve and humanity will not survive merely by doing better than the worst case. There are realities we must embrace that do not get better, but probably-nonlinearly worse, by delay.
#climate #ClimateDenial #centrism #DeGrowth #capitalism #consumerism #famine #drought #fracking #ClimateCrisis #ClimateEmergency #environment #science
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"The denialists (or delayists, I now call them because centrists and denialists both align in wanting very dangerous delays) are very scientific about one thing: their messaging. What stands between us and better action right now is not better science but better messaging."
--me at bird site (29 dec 2018, in reference to my distaste for using °C as the label in messaging, since I think numbers like 0.5°C or even 2°C scare no one, and people need a bit of fear/urgency. Mann, disagreed, and blocked me, saying the messaging was fine, but that the disinformation was too well funded. I continue to believe he was and is wrong on that.)
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"I've been [calling] both denialists and centrists 'delayists' to emphasize that It's the effect that matters, not the motive. There is no time left for delay."
--me at bird site (03 jan 2019)
#climate #ClimateDenial #Centrism #degrowth #capitalism #consumerism #famine #drought #fracking #ClimateCrisis #ClimateEmergency #environment #science