As most of the carobs I've studied were street trees, they had their lower branches trimmed so I never got a good luck at the whole flowering/fruiting process through the year on one tree.
This is the first time I've gotten photos this close to ripening. I've only had all green, very slightly brown, or all brown before this. #Carob #CeratoniaSiliqua
The pods on this carob are starting to color up. Notice on some of them that it does it around where the seeds are, which make the pods look dimpled. #Carob #CeratoniaSiliqua
I'm usually very shy about contacting people I don't know, esp if I'm asking for the favor of information. I'm glad I overcame that this morning, because I read about a collection that may help me in carob research. I decided I had nothing to lose so I wrote. Got an immediate response. #carob #CeratoniaSiliqua
This pre-print is the first time I've seen any sort of sequencing of Ceratonia siliqua.
One of the carobs growing here in Davis. Not all of their fruits escape critters so I'm hopeful for this one. #carob #CeratoniaSiliqua
It's hard to take Food and Wine seriously when whoever's editing their video content doesn't know what carob fruit looks like. #carob #Ceratoniasiliqua
The emulsifier made from carob seeds has been called a lot of things: carob bean gum, locust bean gum (LGB), tragasol...but for the first time I've seen someone call it "carob pectin", which is a pretty bad misnomer.
#Ceratoniasiliqua #carob
Really going to town with that free access to the WaPo archives. Carob research, here I come! #carob #Ceratoniasiliqua
Wish I'd gotten moving sooner this morning. I just didn't feel like going outside just yet. I didn't get out until 11:15am. Since weather is still on the cool-for-Davis side here, I wanted to get some of these carob seedlings transplanted. I only got through 4 of them so far. Partially because I'm overheated and if that hadn't stopped me, the lack of tall pots would have.
Carobs are drought-tolerant and send out long taproots.
In Mallorqui, I think, but a program on carob (Ceratonia siliqua).
"Molt feliços de compartir el reportatge del famós programa Fred i Calent d'IB3 TV on podem compartir les bondats i vicissituds de la goma de garroví #producte local.
#producte #carob #CeratoniaSiliqua
How could they leave carob out and include tipu?
#UrbanForest #Ceratoniasiliqua #carob
#urbanforest #CeratoniaSiliqua #carob
I'm astounded to see more iNaturalist Ceratonia siliqua observations from CA and MX than Australia. I had the impression Australia had quite a few in certain areas. Maybe people just don't use iNaturalist there much.
#carob #CeratoniaSiliqua #inaturalist #botany
A sad thing about grad school is that I spend a lot of time fighting ableism and jumping hoops, which takes away from actual research & scholarship. At some point I need to write an article that gets at what I was trying to say, which stems from incidental observations I made while trying to study Ceratonia siliqua for botanical/fruit breeding purposes.
#urbanforest #carob #CeratoniaSiliqua
Grad school in general has kept me too busy to do the at-least-weekly birdsite searches I used to do on "Carob" and "Ceratonia siliqua". But I did one today and did NOT expect a thread on a traditional Cyprian dish involving carob, discussion between a hedge fund mgr and a junk credit analyst.
#carob #CeratoniaSiliqua #Cyprus #TraditionalFoodways #Interdisciplinary
#carob #CeratoniaSiliqua #Cyprus #traditionalfoodways #interdisciplinary
"Study of the compositional, biochemical and nutritive variability of Ceratonia siliqua populations as potential material for carob tree breeding"
#carob #CeratoniaSiliqua #PlantBreeding
Had a bad day so I didn't get outside. Hence I'm posting a photo I took months ago of a carob (Ceratonia siliqua) seeding growing in a giant tub where I threw seeds last summer. #carob #CeratoniaSiliqua #botany #horticulture #gardening
#gardening #horticulture #botany #CeratoniaSiliqua #carob
"Endesa y Carob colaboran en la creación de un vivero experimental de algarrobo"
#spain #CeratoniaSiliqua #carob