There was a #CERBERUS2080 at the #VintageComputingFestivalBerlin 2022! Apparently one built from a kit from the @homecompmuseum. That's so cool! See if you can find it in this short video:
#vintagecomputingfestivalberlin #Cerberus2080
#Cerberus2080 - the multiple CPU computer. #65C02, #Z80 and Atmel #AVR. All coexisting at the main board. Picture is from the #DoReCo meeting at the HNF in Paderborn.
#RetroComputing #SBC
#Cerberus2080 #65c02 #z80 #avr #doreco #retrocomputing #sbc
#Cerberus2080 New #8Bit #Computer Build
#Cerberus #RetroComputing #Retro #JanBeta #PCBWay #Z80 #6502 #TheByteAttic #ByteAttic
#ByteAttic #TheByteAttic #z80 #pcbway #JanBeta #retro #retrocomputing #cerberus #computer #8bit #Cerberus2080