Since i can't properly use my right hand (#CerebralPalsy), I have to think of ways to work around the fact.
For example, if i'm depicting any number more than 5 using my hands, i will do a sort of flashing motion with my left hand.
#Workaround #disability #CerebralPalsy
Since i can't properly use my right hand (#CerebralPalsy), I have to think of ways to work around the fact.
For example, if i'm depicting any number more than 5 using my hands, i will do a sort of flashing motion with my left hand.
Welp. Apparently i'm getting a hand splint/AFO. i hated that when i was younger. #CerebralPalsy #Annoyed
Today was my last day at #College before my #Surgery on Thursday. I’m still worried about it, it’s my first major surgery since 2012-ish…
It’s a calf lengthening procedure, to mitigate the tightening of my right calf muscle over years of growth spurts (thanks, #CerebralPalsy).
I’m also getting some Botox in my right wrist to try and get some more dexterity for physiotherapy.
I know the surgeon, we had a consultation with him in December but I can’t help being worried…
#CerebralPalsy #surgery #college
#compensationforvalproate #valproatecrisis
My beautiful inspirational daughter Lauren born at 31 weeks with a hole in her heart , #cerebralpalsy #autism #fetalvalproatespectrumdisorder #hypermobility #athsma To watch and hear her words , I am shattered but the proudest MUM 💕
#athsma #hypermobility #fetalvalproatespectrumdisorder #Autism #CerebralPalsy #valproatecrisis #compensationforvalproate
Hi there! I'm Ewan. I'm #British, #GenZ and #Athiest.
I'm not new to #Mastodon, I just account hopped. I am however part of the #TwitterMigration.
I am #Disabled, having #Hydrocephalus and #CerebralPalsy.
I like #PlayStation, #Nintendo, #Linguistics, #Python #Programming, #Geography and #Vexillology, #Space, #Nature, #Science and #Scifi, #DoctorWho, #Poetry.
#Poetry #DoctorWho #SciFi #Science #Nature #Space #vexillology #geography #Programming #Python #linguistics #Nintendo #Playstation #CerebralPalsy #Hydrocephalus #disabled #twittermigration #Mastodon #athiest #genz #british #Introduction
A baby nursery in a relative’s South Florida home has become the living quarters of 13-year-old José Andino Díaz and his family, ever since his parents carried him in their arms from his native #Nicaragua to the U.S.-Mexico border over a year ago.
Read more at:
#StandUp4HumanRights #SOSNicaragua #IglesiaPerseguida #GoogleAlerts #CysticFibrosis #CerebralPalsy #ImmigrantsWelcome #Miami
#miami #immigrantswelcome #CerebralPalsy #cysticfibrosis #googlealerts #iglesiaperseguida #sosnicaragua #StandUp4HumanRights #Nicaragua
I'm a bit late but Tobi Abubakare wrote a wonderful insight essay about the importance of recognizing the roll of religion in the experiences of autistic & disabled people from African backgrounds.
Also, as another autistic person with cerebral palsy I felt immediate connection with Tobi and their experiences. #DisabilityMastodon #DisabledMastodon
#CerebralPalsy #ActuallyAutistic #disabledmastodon #disabilitymastodon
I'm a bit late but Tobi Abubakare wrote a wonderful insight essay about the importance of recognizing the roll of religion in the experiences of autistic & disabled people from African backgrounds.
Also, as another autistic person with cerebral palsy I felt immediate connection with Tobi and their experiences. #DisabilityMastodon #DisabledMastodon
#CerebralPalsy #ActuallyAutistic #disabledmastodon #disabilitymastodon
@OorMargit Capitals at start of words is good, but don't leave a space in a hashtag.
#TheDoric and #CerebralPalsy
It's a bit like a toy train set, with the # as the engine and the words as the carriages. 😊
Just love going shopping, putting my groceries in boot of my car, only for an old couple to point at me, and say "Look at that cheeky bastard, parking in a disabled space !"
"Oi ! I can fcvking hear you ! I have cerebral palsy, get fcuked you pair of ***** !"
@Motty Welcome !
I have #CerebralPalsy myself, specifically right side hemiplegia, so will give you a follow
I am 52, managed to somehow live with CP as best I can, as we all do of course
Looking for more Clinically Vulnerable people / households on Mastodon.
Please add more # s to help us! 🙏 & ♻️
#MultipleSclerosis #MS
#MotorNeumotoDisease #MND
#Huntingtons #MyastheniaGravis
#Steroids #Biologics #Chemo #Chemotherapy #Radiotherapy
#Asthma #COPD
#Diabetes #T1 #T2 #LADA #GestationalDiabetes
#Chrons #Colitis
#parkinsons #mentalhealth #heartdisease #epilepsy #colitis #chrons #gestationaldiabetes #lada #T2 #t1 #diabetes #cancer #copd #asthma #bipolar #dementia #alzheimers #radiotherapy #chemotherapy #chemo #biologics #steroids #LearningDisabilities #CerebralPalsy #myastheniagravis #huntingtons #MND #motorneumotodisease #ms #multiplesclerosis
I forgot my #introduction! I'm Irish living in London and I write about lots of things from #books to #film, art and frequently about #disability and #CerebralPalsy (which I have). I'm OBSESSED with the movies and you'll usually always find me at the cinema. #followbackfriday
#introduction #books #film #disability #CerebralPalsy #followbackfriday
#introductions I’m too exhausted to form an actual introduction post right now so here are a bunch of relevant hashtags of things I’m interested in/have a personal connection to
#DisabilityStudies #CerebralPalsy #LGBTQ #EnglishLit #Academia #LiteraryMagazines #Publishing #MentalHealth #CPTSD #Anxiety #OCD #ChronicPain #WritingCommunity #YALit #DisabilityJustice
#DisabilityJustice #yalit #writingcommunity #chronicpain #ocd #anxiety #cptsd #mentalhealth #publishing #literarymagazines #academia #EnglishLit #lgbtq #CerebralPalsy #disabilityStudies #introductions
🎨Artist: #Dridali - in City: #Valencia Spain 🇪🇸 - Text: Workshop for #AVAPACE , Vereinigung zur Unterstützung der #Zerebralparese / Association for the support of #cerebralpalsy (Nonprofit Organization) - #streetart #art #mastoart #mural
#Mural #MastoArt #art #streetart #CerebralPalsy #Zerebralparese #avapace #valencia #Dridali