Entwaldungshotspot #Cerrado 🇧🇷
Entwaldung verlagert sich von Amazonien in klimarelevante, brasilianische Savanne
👉massiver #Soja -Anbau für Futtermittel
Skandal:👉🇩🇪 Unternehmen wie Tönnies können Futtermittel in ihren #Lieferketten nicht ausschließen
🐦🔗: https://n.respublicae.eu/MartinHaeusling/status/1673591720880029698
RT @cristina_saraiv: Depois de agendas oficiais, conseguimos levar os eurodeputados @anna_cavazzini e Yannick Jadot pra um role pelo Cerrado.
Sempre bom ter um outro tipo de aproximação!
Ao trabalho pessoal ! 👊
@minc_rj @DelegadoSaraiva @depchicoalencar @EduardoJorge @evangelisttarte https://t.co/WktCqViozW
🐦🔗: https://n.respublicae.eu/anna_cavazzini/status/1661225615872212993
#Norway , the major donor to the Amazon Fund, said the initiative for backing forest protection had been re-activated now... "Brazil's new President has signaled a clear ambition to stop deforestation..." 🌳📰📣
#Amazon #floresta #forest #Amazonia #identity #Cerrado #Savana #climatechange #deforestation #Postcolonial #photography #Territory #Brasil #climate #news #picture #photo #Brazil #colonialism #colonization #Culture #history #SouthAmerica #indigenous #biodiversity
#biodiversity #Indigenous #SouthAmerica #History #Culture #colonization #colonialism #Brazil #Photo #picture #News #Climate #Brasil #territory #Photography #postcolonial #deforestation #ClimateChange #savana #Cerrado #identity #amazonia #Forest #floresta #Amazon #Norway
@MarinaSilva It was so inspiring to meet you at #COP27 when you outlined your plans for the #AmazonRainforest, the #Pantanal and the #Cerrado to us delegates from @europarl_en. Thank you for your determination and courage!
🐦🔗: https://n.respublicae.eu/JuttaPaulusRLP/status/1608617769704239110
#COP27 #amazonrainforest #pantanal #Cerrado
#Deforestation in the world's most #biologically diverse #savanna, the #Brazilian #Cerrado, rose by around 25% in a year. #ClimateEmergency #climateaction #climatejustice #Brasil #Brazil #ClimateCrisis #desmatamento #earth #environment #indigenous #social #ambiental #meioambiente #biodiversity #world #cop15 #terraindígena @reutersinstitute https://www.reuters.com/business/environment/deforestation-brazilian-savanna-surged-some-25-year-sources-say-2022-12-13/
#terraindigena #COP15 #world #biodiversity #meioambiente #ambiental #Social #Indigenous #Environment #Earth #desmatamento #ClimateCrisis #Brazil #Brasil #climatejustice #ClimateAction #ClimateEmergency #Cerrado #brazilian #savanna #biologically #deforestation
#Deforestation in the world's most #biologically diverse #savanna, the #Brazilian #Cerrado, rose by around 25% in a year. #ClimateEmergency #climateaction #climatejustice #Brasil #Brazil #ClimateCrisis #desmatamento #earth #environment #indigenous #social #ambiental #meioambiente #biodiversity #world #cop15 #terraindígena @reutersinstitute https://www.reuters.com/business/environment/deforestation-brazilian-savanna-surged-some-25-year-sources-say-2022-12-13/
#terraindigena #COP15 #world #biodiversity #meioambiente #ambiental #Social #Indigenous #Environment #Earth #desmatamento #ClimateCrisis #Brazil #Brasil #climatejustice #ClimateAction #ClimateEmergency #Cerrado #brazilian #savanna #biologically #deforestation
#Indigenous #rights at the #heart of #conservation.
#montreal #cop15 #earth #Brasil #Brazil #Canada #biodiversity #geography #ClimateEmergency #climatejustice #ecosystems #Amazônia #amazon #cerrado #pantanal #caatinga #pampas #humanrights #biodiversidade https://www.theguardian.com/environment/2022/dec/19/cop15-key-points-of-nature-deal-at-a-glance-aoe @TheGuardian_uk @TheGuardian_us
#biodiversidade #HumanRights #pampas #caatinga #Pantanal #Cerrado #Amazon #amazonia #ecosystems #climatejustice #ClimateEmergency #geography #biodiversity #Canada #Brazil #Brasil #Earth #COP15 #Montreal #Conservation #heart #rights #Indigenous
#Indigenous #rights at the #heart of #conservation.
#montreal #cop15 #earth #Brasil #Brazil #Canada #biodiversity #geography #ClimateEmergency #climatejustice #ecosystems #Amazônia #amazon #cerrado #pantanal #caatinga #pampas #humanrights #biodiversidade https://www.theguardian.com/environment/2022/dec/19/cop15-key-points-of-nature-deal-at-a-glance-aoe @TheGuardian_uk @TheGuardian_us
#biodiversidade #HumanRights #pampas #caatinga #Pantanal #Cerrado #Amazon #amazonia #ecosystems #climatejustice #ClimateEmergency #geography #biodiversity #Canada #Brazil #Brasil #Earth #COP15 #Montreal #Conservation #heart #rights #Indigenous
RT @WWF_Deutschland: Es gibt einen Ort, da leben...
🌱10.000 Pflanzenarten
🐆rund 200 Säugetierarten
🐦mehr als 800 Vogelarten
🐟1.200 Fischarten
🦎150 Amphibienarten
🪳90.000 Insektenarten und und und!
Das ist der #Cerrado in Brasilien. Und ja, der Wunderort braucht Hilfe! https://www.wwf.de/themen-projekte/projektregionen/amazonien/cerrado/cerrado-biodiversitaetsjuwel-ohne-schutz
🐦🔗: https://n.respublicae.eu/MartinHaeusling/status/1604005959805935616
Really worrying reports around this week about the scale of the acceleration of #deforestation in the #Cerrado #savanna in #Brazil. What are we doing to this planet?! Hopefully the new administration there can start to rein this in ASAP
#ClimateCrisis #ClimateEmergency #Brazil #savanna #Cerrado #deforestation
Really worrying reports around this week about the scale of the acceleration of #deforestation in the #Cerrado #savanna in #Brazil. What are we doing to this planet?! Hopefully the new administration there can start to rein this in ASAP
#ClimateCrisis #ClimateEmergency #Brazil #savanna #Cerrado #deforestation
Seit Jahren rückt eine aggresive Agrar-Rodungsfront in den #Cerrado vor, auch dieser artenreiche Trockenwald muss geschützt werden.
#Entwaldung #Agrarpolitik #Sojaimporte
🐦🔗: https://nitter.eu/MartinHaeusling/status/1597493609972273152
#Cerrado #Entwaldung #Agrarpolitik #Sojaimporte
RT @Umwelthilfe: Illegale #Entwaldung und Landraub: Gemeinsamer Bericht mit @reporterb belegt dramatische Folgen des Sojaanbaus im brasilianischen #Cerrado. Wir fordern von @SteffiLemke & @cem_oezdemir: Setzen Sie sich für eine starke #EU-Verordnung inkl. Cerrado ein! https://www.duh.de/presse/pressemitteilungen/pressemitteilung/illegale-entwaldung-und-landraub-neuer-bericht-von-deutsche-umwelthilfe-und-reporter-brasil-belegt/
🐦🔗: https://nitter.eu/MartinHaeusling/status/1597470754576412672
Et "grâce" aux conservateurs, ils ont obtenu gain de cause sur plusieurs points clés, en particulier l'exclusion d'autres écosystèmes fragiles.
Ainsi le règlement ne protègera ni les tourbières du Congo, ni le #Cerrado brésilien, détruit par la production de #soja pour le bétail.
🐦🔗: https://nitter.eu/marietouss1/status/1569638937966034944
Für Kurzentschlossene🔔
Heute von 15-17 Uhr diskutieren wir Online unter welchem Druck der brasilianische #Cerrado steht, was europäische #Sojaimporte damit zu tun haben & welchen Beitrag die EU-Verordnung gegen #Entwaldung leisten kann!
🐦🔗: https://nitter.eu/MartinHaeusling/status/1531566255995510784
#Cerrado #Sojaimporte #Entwaldung
Veranstaltung mit T&E und RFN
#Sojaanbau im brasilianischen #Cerrado hat gravierenden Einfluss auf Umwelt durch #Abholzung & #Pestizideinsatz. Zudem führt er zu Nahrungsunsicherheit & Menschenrechtsverletzungen. D. EU-Agrokraftstoffpolitik muss auf Sojaimporte ausgeweitet werden!
🐦🔗: https://nitter.eu/MartinHaeusling/status/1524778208465494023
#Sojaanbau #Cerrado #Abholzung #Pestizideinsatz