24. Complex/simple RPG you play?
I think Exalted and Shadowrun are among the most complex games I've played regularly.
Pretty sure Lasers & Feelings is the simplest I've ever played/run.
Champions and Powers & Perils would be the most complex games I've ever made characters for (although Champions looked like it would not be that complex in play once the characters were done).
#LasersAndFeelings #Exalted2e #Shadowrun #ChampionsRPG #PowersAndPerils
#rpgaday2023 #lasersandfeelings #exalted2e #shadowrun #ChampionsRPG #PowersAndPerils
@68000 Well, I hit at least four of your criteria #DnD #Battletech #Warhammer #PCGaming and can add lots more #runequest #traveller #championsRPG
I also write and publish scenarios and other stuff on www.Dmsguild.com and www.drivethruRPG.com
#DnD #battletech #warhammer #pcgaming #runequest #traveller #ChampionsRPG
So that’s ”HoK” #ChampionsRPG, someone else’s game, #SentinelComics, someone else’s game, and then what?
Apparently #MutantsAndMasterminds, that’s freakin’ what. Because again the Foundry support slaps, that’s why. Plus it has a different and interesting take on point-buy mechanics.
Wow, I’m starting to look like a terrible name dropper, aren’t I?
That’s sort of the problem, in fact. I’m not the #ForeverGM because I need people to take turns between the things I run. But... 3/4
#ChampionsRPG #SentinelComics #mutantsandmasterminds #foreverGM
My Thursdays are admittedly a mess. The tale unsurprisingly starts “There’s this guy…” He runs a Discord server, where he’s run numerous #ChampionsRPG games, so let’s call him GM A.
His work life has gotten the better of him, though, so GM B has come in with a silver age #VillainsAndVigilantes game.
Illness and work life has been laying him low too, so I came in with a weird #ChampionsRPG setting of my own. So I guess I’m GM C.
With me so far? 1/4
#ChampionsRPG #VillainsAndVigilantes
@LeviKornelsen rpg wonk is a very apt way to describe me. I've been playing since I was 10~ in the 80s. #pallidium was my og faves. Then I migrated to #cyberpunk2020 , #rifts, #gurps, #mekton, and such. Before long I was diving headfirst into #oWoD, #ChampionsRPG , and well tou name it.
These days I'm all over social media. Chatting up #pathfinder2e, #starfinder , and #SineNomineGames stuff. A lot really. 30+ years of experience and experimentation. I consider myself a "teaching gm".
#pallidium #cyberpunk2020 #Rifts #gurps #mekton #oWoD #ChampionsRPG #pathfinder2e #starfinder #sinenominegames
@GamesPeoplePlay Interestingly, for my Thursday night game, I billed it as literally a “fantasy superhero” game. It’s a fantasy setting, it’s run in #HeroSystem, but it’s not #FantasyHero. It is Fantasy #ChampionsRPG, and players had the ability to build their characters with those tropes in mind.
For instance, we have a ranger-type with a quiver of novelty powered arrows, including the “boxing glove” arrow. And a two+ thousand year old draconid who didn’t …die correctly. 1/2
#herosystem #fantasyhero #ChampionsRPG
@jimlikesgames @teamupmoves Man, I haven't thought about Champions in a long time! Back when I ran it in the early 90s, I totally would do just that to improvise a game: Look at PC Hunted and DNPCs and go from there. It was a handy GM trick on those occasions when I didn't have time to prep a session or showed up without my GM notebook.
#ttrpg #ChampionsRPG #herosystem
#7TTRPGs that have influenced me, no attention paid to order:
#FASERIP (Marvel Super Heroes Role Playing Game)
#7ttrpgs #adnd #ChampionsRPG #chillrpg #unknownarmiesrpg #FASERIP #slasherflick #SpiritOf77
#ttrpg #ChampionsRPG #superhero
5) As a huge comic book fan, the opportunity to play a superhero was too good to pass up. One of the first such games was Champions by Hero Games. That fact you needed a degree in Maths didn’t deter me either.
#ttrpg #ChampionsRPG #superhero
@nerdparker @rivetgeek But there are so many more obscure RPGs that I enjoy (and some albeit not obscure that have fallen out of fashion) that many of those hashtags might go in noticed. Maybe #TTRPG followed by something more specific such as #SlasherFlickRPG or #ChampionsRPG or something to that effect.
#ttrpg #SlasherFlickRPG #ChampionsRPG
Things I'm into:
#ttrpg #ttrpgs #herosystem #ChampionsRPG #litRPG #webserials