My review for Wrath of the Soul Forge King is now on the channel.
#warhammer40k #warhammercommunity #warmongers #warthofthesoulforgeking #vashtorr #azreal #chaos #darkangels #deathwing #intercessors #chaoscultists #demonengine #wargaming
#warhammer40k #WarhammerCommunity #warmongers #warthofthesoulforgeking #vashtorr #azreal #chaos #darkangels #deathwing #intercessors #ChaosCultists #demonengine #wargaming
Somehow I haven't posted any painty WiPs of these fellas despite painting them on stream at least twice (thrice by tonite!). Oops! Scions of House Harkonides. Lots still to do, but dang doesn't that orange look lovely?
#WarhammerCommunity #RenegadeNavigators #ChaosCultists #Inq28 #Tzeentch #WIP #HolyFireMinis
#warhammercommunity #RenegadeNavigators #inq28 #tzeentch #wip #ChaosCultists #holyfireminis