RT @JosepBorrellF: The EU strongly condemns another heinous attack by Russia on civilians: in #Chaplyne on #UkraineIndependenceDay.
Those responsible for Russian rocket terror will be held accountable.
🐦🔗: https://nitter.eu/EUinMalaysia/status/1563112052956475392
#Chaplyne #UkraineIndependenceDay
RT @JosepBorrellF: The EU strongly condemns another heinous attack by Russia on civilians: in #Chaplyne on #UkraineIndependenceDay.
Those responsible for Russian rocket terror will be held accountable.
#Chaplyne #UkraineIndependenceDay
RT @JosepBorrellF: The EU strongly condemns another heinous attack by Russia on civilians: in #Chaplyne on #UkraineIndependenceDay.
Those responsible for Russian rocket terror will be held accountable.
#Chaplyne #UkraineIndependenceDay
RT @JosepBorrellF: The EU strongly condemns another heinous attack by Russia on civilians: in #Chaplyne on #UkraineIndependenceDay.
Those responsible for Russian rocket terror will be held accountable.
🐦🔗: https://nitter.eu/beatrizbecerrab/status/1562802525794738176
#Chaplyne #UkraineIndependenceDay
Strongly condemn deadly Russian attack on civilians - including children - in #Chaplyne. Another cruel attempt by the Kremlin to crush brave Ukrainians celebrating their independence. I commend the heroic courage of all Ukrainians who fight for their country & freedom. #dkpol
RT @DmytroKuleba: Terrorist Russia keeps killing Ukrainian civilians. At least 15 killed in a Russian missile strike on a train station in Chaplyne, Dnipropetr…
"La UE condena enérgicamente otro ataque atroz de Rusia contra civiles: en #Chaplyne en el #DíaIndependenciaUcrania.
Los responsables del terrorismo con cohetes rusos rendirán cuentas." @JosepBorrellF
RT @JosepBorrellF: The EU strongly condemns another heinous attack by Russia on civilians: in #Chaplyne on #UkraineIndependenceDay.
Those responsible for Russian rocket terror will be held accountable.
🐦🔗: https://nitter.eu/UEGuatemala/status/1562807759942270976
#Chaplyne #DíaIndependenciaUcrania #UkraineIndependenceDay
RT @JosepBorrellF: The EU strongly condemns another heinous attack by Russia on civilians: in #Chaplyne on #UkraineIndependenceDay.
Those responsible for Russian rocket terror will be held accountable.
#Chaplyne #UkraineIndependenceDay
RT @JosepBorrellF: The EU strongly condemns another heinous attack by Russia on civilians: in #Chaplyne on #UkraineIndependenceDay.
Those responsible for Russian rocket terror will be held accountable.
#Chaplyne #UkraineIndependenceDay
RT @JosepBorrellF: The EU strongly condemns another heinous attack by Russia on civilians: in #Chaplyne on #UkraineIndependenceDay.
Those responsible for Russian rocket terror will be held accountable.
#Chaplyne #UkraineIndependenceDay
🇺🇦«ЄС рішуче засуджує черговий жахливий удар Росії, завданий по цивільному населенню у Чаплиному на День Незалежності України.
Винні у російському ракетному терорі будуть притягнуті до відповідальності».
RT @JosepBorrellF: The EU strongly condemns another heinous attack by Russia on civilians: in #Chaplyne on #UkraineIndependenceDay.
Those responsible for Russian rocket terror will be held accountable.
🐦🔗: https://nitter.eu/EUDelegationUA/status/1562753536470835200
#Chaplyne #UkraineIndependenceDay
RT @JosepBorrellF: The EU strongly condemns another heinous attack by Russia on civilians: in #Chaplyne on #UkraineIndependenceDay.
Those responsible for Russian rocket terror will be held accountable.
🐦🔗: https://nitter.eu/APisoneroECSpox/status/1562747763787345920
#Chaplyne #UkraineIndependenceDay
RT @JosepBorrellF: The EU strongly condemns another heinous attack by Russia on civilians: in #Chaplyne on #UkraineIndependenceDay.
Those responsible for Russian rocket terror will be held accountable.
#Chaplyne #UkraineIndependenceDay
RT @JosepBorrellF: The EU strongly condemns another heinous attack by Russia on civilians: in #Chaplyne on #UkraineIndependenceDay.
Those responsible for Russian rocket terror will be held accountable.
#Chaplyne #UkraineIndependenceDay
RT @JosepBorrellF: The EU strongly condemns another heinous attack by Russia on civilians: in #Chaplyne on #UkraineIndependenceDay.
Those responsible for Russian rocket terror will be held accountable.
🐦🔗: https://nitter.eu/EU_UNGeneva/status/1562743710714298369
#Chaplyne #UkraineIndependenceDay
RT @JosepBorrellF: The EU strongly condemns another heinous attack by Russia on civilians: in #Chaplyne on #UkraineIndependenceDay.
Those responsible for Russian rocket terror will be held accountable.
#Chaplyne #UkraineIndependenceDay
Боррель: «#ЕС решительно осуждает очередную чудовищную атаку России на мирных жителей — в #Чаплино в День независимости #Украины.
Ответственные за устроенный Россией ракетный террор будут привлечены к ответственности».
RT @JosepBorrellF: The EU strongly condemns another heinous attack by Russia on civilians: in #Chaplyne on #UkraineIndependenceDay.
Those responsible for Russian rocket terror will be held accountable.
#ЕС #Чаплино #Украины #Chaplyne #UkraineIndependenceDay
The EU strongly condemns another heinous attack by Russia on civilians: in #Chaplyne on #UkraineIndependenceDay.
Those responsible for Russian rocket terror will be held accountable.
🐦🔗: https://nitter.eu/JosepBorrellF/status/1562731285315219456
#Chaplyne #UkraineIndependenceDay