These days there are none that we know of, but good news is Mastodon caps URLs to the low twenties, this means even if you URL is 500 characters long, not only will the scrolling user only see about 25 characters, the character count only goes up by about 23 characters.

Other instances have larger character counts typically, so that's good too.

So there is no real need for on online social networks.

If you want us to a look at some, happy to help.

#CharacterCount #URLShortening

Last updated 1 year ago

Hayden Thorne · @haydenthorne
130 followers · 257 posts · Server sunny.garden

Oh, hell yeah! Character limit here on sunny.garden's just been bumped up to 1,500. I get really wordy when I post, and I think this'll encourage me to consolidate my presence online sine I won't need a separate blogging platform for stuff anymore.

Also a thread o' updates from me (and heaven knows you've all put up with quite a few so far) can be a bit cumbersome, especially if I decide to share a snippet or two from books. Or something.

At any rate, this is encouraging me to end my time over at Tumblr. Things have improved over there, but the porn bots are still around, and I've reported and blocked so many far-right and terf accounts (a couple of which Tumblr said didn't violate policies) to want to hang around there much longer.

I'll miss the fun, creative loopiness of that place, but I'm afraid I'm getting too old to be more forgiving of shitty online behavior.

#blogging #tumblr #CharacterCount #sunnygarden #whee

Last updated 2 years ago

johnflomax · @johnflomax
25 followers · 112 posts · Server mastodonapp.uk

@feditips I used alt text for some photos I posted today, and I wondered if was part of the or separate?

#alttext #CharacterCount

Last updated 2 years ago