Steve Ross · @steve
45 followers · 501 posts · Server

The fact that 36 of the 38 top worship songs of the 2010s were produced by four goes a long way toward explaining why the of most contemporary music is absolutely dreadful.

#Charismatic #megachurches #theology #worship

Last updated 1 year ago

Vic McFizzlesticks · @fizzlesticks
10 followers · 27 posts · Server

A bit of an .

Grew up and in the . (Yes, really.) Had if my parents weren't home when I thought they would be. Manipulated into a "call" into the ministry at a church camp at Oral Roberts U when 14yo.

Our church split, and I started asking questions. Heard about universal grace (at a different church camp) and the seed was planted. But it sprouted so slowly I had a BA in religion and an MDiv before I finally got out 20+ years ago.

#introduction #fundamentalist #Charismatic #UMC #RapturePanics

Last updated 2 years ago