As an anthropologist, for me one intriguing aspect of the #coronation was that, of course, #Charles3 studied #Anthropology himself. The first time perhaps that an anthropologist designed and was the central figure in a power ritual all about himself!
#Coronation #Charles3 #anthropology
#krönungszeremonie , #Charles3 , #camilla soeben im #NDR die interessante Frage, warum bei einer Queen als Oberhaupt niemals parallel ein King gekrönt wird. Er wäre sowieso immer nur Prinzgemahl, um seine Chefin (Queen) nicht in den Schatten zu stellen. Also Diskriminierung par Excellence. Moderatorin: " Eigentlich intelligente Vereinbarung aller europ. Königshäuser" (Dänemark, Hollands Beatrix). Hoppla, fehl. Gleichberechtigung mal anders: ein Grund mehr zur Monarchie-Abschaffung😐
#kronungszeremonie #Charles3 #camilla #ndr
Macron aussi!
#couronnement #NotMyKing #KingCharlesCoronation #Republic #Charles #Charles3
#Charles3 #charles #republic #kingcharlescoronation #notmyking #Couronnement
Will you stand with Sayed and ask King Charles to withdraw the invitation to the King and Crown Prince of Bahrain? #RoyalCoronation #Charles3 #KingCharlesCoronation
#RoyalCoronation #Charles3 #KingCharlesCoronation
I have historically been a "soft" monarchist. I think the monarchy has considerable soft power benefits and makes a great tourist attraction. I started going off it a bit though seeing just how much the cost was in relation to other European monarchies.
And then this whole "swearing allegiance" thing has rather crystallised it for me. Will I swear personal allegiance to Charles Windsor? No, of course I won't, he has no more right to my allegiance than does my next door neighbour. And therefore how can I consider it right that he is "my" king?
I can't, of course. It follows that I must believe that disestablishment of the monarchy is what should happen. So there's my changed opinion for today.
#KingCharles #king #Charles3 #notmyking #uk #monarchy
Herrie met Harry #Spare #PrinceHarry #monarchie #Charles3 @DeGroene
#Charles3 #monarchie #princeharry #spare
Ist es so als König schon ein Todeswunsch, wenn man den Namen eines Vorgängers annimmt, der von Revolutionären geköpft wurde? #charles3