“The infernal organ”: #CharlesBabbage and street nuisances https://perneward.wordpress.com/2023/07/25/the-infernal-organ-charles-babbage-and-street-nuisances/ #Noise #Music #Soundscape #Sounds #UrbanLife #Towns #19thCentury #NineteenthCentury #History #ComputingHistory #ComputerScience #StreetNuisances #StreetMusicians #Musicians #Organs #accordion #squeezebox #Bagpipes #Religion #Psalms #London #HurdyGurdy #BrassBands
#brassbands #hurdygurdy #london #Psalms #religion #bagpipes #squeezebox #accordion #organs #musicians #streetmusicians #streetnuisances #computerscience #computinghistory #history #nineteenthcentury #19thcentury #towns #Urbanlife #sounds #soundscape #music #noise #CharlesBabbage
I'm looking for a freely-available full text (PDF, ePub preferably) of Charles Babbage, On the Economy of Machinery and Manufactures (1846).
There's a start of one at Wikisource, but it's only the contents, index, and other supplemental material.
Neither LibGen nor Archive Org seem to have a copy of the text in English and out of copyright. (There's a copyrighted repriint at Archive.Org.)
#DearMastomind #PDFMe #Books #CharlesBabbage #DearHivemind #EconomyOfMachinery #TechOntology
#dearMastomind #pdfme #books #CharlesBabbage #dearhivemind #EconomyOfMachinery #techontology