RT @vickimichelle
At The House of Commons today. Supporting Ban Trophy Hunting Bill with Felicity Kendall, Charles Dance, Mark Abrahams and Peter Egan . People want this passed. The vote is on Friday try to get your MP there. @CBTHunting @PeterEgan6 #FelicityKendal @marcthevet #CharlesDance
RT @vickimichelle
At The House of Commons today. Supporting Ban Trophy Hunting Bill with Felicity Kendall, Charles Dance, Mark Abrahams and Peter Egan . People want this passed. The vote is on Friday try to get your MP there. @CBTHunting @PeterEgan6 #FelicityKendal @marcthevet #CharlesDance
2-Note that these are both two part films, so we'd need to decide if we want to binge them all in one day, or over a couple of nights.
Please #retoot #reblog the parent post with the poll! #JoinIn #Comment #Discuss
#HogFather with #DavidWarner #MichelleDockery & #IanRichardson as #Death
#GoingPostal with #ClaireFoy #RichardCoyle & #CharlesDance as #LordVetenari
#retoot #reblog #joinin #comment #discuss #hogfather #davidwarner #michelledockery #IanRichardson #death #goingpostal #clairefoy #richardcoyle #CharlesDance #lordvetenari
A lion doesn’t concern himself with the opinion of a sheep 🦁 ✋ #thehand #Tywinlannister #charlesdance #gameofthrones
#gameofthrones #CharlesDance #tywinlannister #TheHand
The Serpent Queen: un Bridgerton molto più cattivo [VIDEO] - NoSpoiler #TheSerpentQueen118189Stagione1 #CharlesDance #SamanthaMorton #4agosto https://parliamodi.news/article/aHR0cDovL25vc3BvaWxlci5pdC9wb3N0cy90aGUtc2VycGVudC1xdWVlbi10cmFpbGVy
#4agosto #SamanthaMorton #CharlesDance #TheSerpentQueen118189Stagione1