Tour of “Homeacres”, in Southern England where Charles Dowding, No Dig gardening pioneer & populariser, grows his stuff
End. Tag list follows:
#nodig #growyourown #CharlesDowding #gardening
We nearly finished another raised bed. It’s for #NoDig gardening a la #CharlesDowding.
You can see how it’s done- frame containing the compost on top of a weed suppression layer of corrugated cardboard.
We haven’t finished putting the woodchip around the outside, over the cardboard. The woodchip is to stop weeds invading from the side, and to allow us to stand & work on the bed without compacting the soil.
As you can see we had to stop because it was getting dark.
@wormerama so I’m thinking: level the ground. Cardboard “groundsheet” & wood frame a la #CharlesDowding. Mouldy grass, some scraps, worms to fill. Water. Maybe cardboard or mulch on top to keep warm?
Our excellent #allotment committee has secured a big supply of #woodchip. So could mulch with that or with more cardboard
Would that work do you think?
#woodchip #allotment #CharlesDowding