Image: from "The Principles of Parliamentary Representation" by Charles Lutwidge Dodgson, 1884
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@frankendodo, you know this trophy from my Snark hunt ( already.
Left: Segment from a photographic self portrait (May 1875) by #CharlesLutwidgeDodgson (aka #LewisCarroll) in his forties, displayed in mirror view. (Credits for the photo: Watts Gallery, Compton, Guildford)
Center: Blurred rendering of the segment on the right side.
Right: Illustration by #HenryHoliday to the chapter "The Beaver’s Lesson" in #LewisCarroll’s "#TheHuntingOfTheSnark" (1876).
#CharlesLutwidgeDodgson #lewiscarroll #HenryHoliday #TheHuntingOfTheSnark
Good evening!
The poem for today is The Fairies by William Allingham.
Charles Lutwidge Dodgson (Also known as Lewis Carroll) wanted to give a book to one of his child friends. He wrote on 28 February 1891 to, I think it was the mother, to ask which book he should give. One of his suggestions was "Fairies (poetry by W. Allingham, illustrated, mostly in colour, by my friend Miss E. G. Thomson) - the pictures are lovely (if you don't mind the fairies being entirely naked!) and I've given many copies of it to my child-friends."
If you want to see the original with illustrations, you can see it here via the Internet Archive:
#Poetry #TodaysPoem #WilliamAllingham #EmilyGertrudeThomson #CharlesLutwidgeDodgson (Now that is a lot of hashtags in one toot...)
#poetry #todayspoem #WilliamAllingham #EmilyGertrudeThomson #CharlesLutwidgeDodgson
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Good evening!
The poem for yesterday is a poem disguised as prose. It is a letter from Charles Lutwidge Dodgson (Also known as Lewis Carroll.), written to his niece Violet Dodgson.
Dear Violet,
I'm glad to hear you children like the Magazine I ordered for you for a year: and if you happen to have seen the book about "Lord Fauntleroy," you'll find an interesting bit about the child that acts the Boy (now they have made a Play of it) in Number Six. She seems to be a child without one bit of pride: a pretty name too, hasn't she? the little "Elsie Leslie Lyde." I grieve to hear your bantam-hen is fond of rolling eggs away. You should remind it, now and then, of "Waste not, want not." You should say "a bantam-hen, that wastes an egg, is sure to get extremely poor, and to be forced at last to beg for hard-boiled eggs, from door to door. How would you like it, Bantam-hen," you should go on, "if all your brood were hard-boiled chickens? You would then be sorry you had been so rude!" Tell it all this, and don't forget! And now I think it's time for me to sign myself, dear Violet,
Your loving Uncle,
#CharlesLutwidgeDodgson #poetry
Lewis Carroll & Religion:
#TheHuntingOfTheSnark #LewisCarroll #CharlesDodgson #CharlesLutwidgeDodgson #ThomasCranmer #42Articles #FortyTwoArticles #39Articles #ThirtyNineArticles #EternalDamnation #EternalPunishment #Eschatology
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Cuando #JosephSwain grabó las ilustraciones de #HenryHoliday para "La caza del Snark", usó la foto de #CharlesLutwidgeDodgson (#LewisCarroll) para incubar algunas superficies rocosas. La impresión reprodujo la imagen en espejo, por lo que ahora tenemos un Lewis Carroll en las rocas (
#lewiscarroll #CharlesLutwidgeDodgson #pareidolia #TheHuntingOfTheSnark #HenryHoliday #josephswain
The poem for ereyesterday is a poem sent as a letter by Charles Lutwidge Dodgson (AKA Lewis Carroll) to Margaret Cunnynghame.
I'm going to put the poem text here, for I cannot find it online.
No, no! I cannot write a line,
I cannot write a word:
The thoughts I think appear in ink
So shockingly absurd.
To wander in an empty cave
Is fruitless work, ‘tis said:
What must it be for one like me
To wander in his head?
You say that I'm "to write a verse" –
O Maggie, put it quite
The other wat, and kindly say
That I'm "averse to write" !
#poetry #lewiscarroll #CharlesLutwidgeDodgson
ARTE-Doku: Das Abenteuer der Manuskripte – »Alice im Wunderland« von Lewis Carroll #CharlesLutwidgeDodgson #WasmitBüchern–Doku #Anne-SophieMartin #LewisCarroll #Doku-Liebe #MarkDavies #Oxford #ARTE
#CharlesLutwidgeDodgson #wasmitbüchern #Anne #lewiscarroll #doku #MarkDavies #Oxford #arte