I think now there might be a bit of a pause in progress on #CharlesDeFoucauld #DictionnaireTouareg in the next months or year or so.
A natural progression might be to proofread sections S, T, Z/Ż next, or transcribe a new section … but other things demand attention, too.
There’s some low-effort maintenance work due which I might intersperse, but other than that, I look forward to returning to it with renewed energy and new prospects in due course!
#dictionnairetouareg #CharlesdeFoucauld
#CharlesDeFoucauld #DictionnaireTouareg news: I have finished proofreading section F ⴼ (pp. 294–374)!
(The section is currently split in a way I’m not happy with. This may change soon.)
#Tuareg #Berber #amazigh #dictionnairetouareg #CharlesdeFoucauld
RT @pellegiornale: "È stato davvero come il seme del Vangelo; un seme che, pur nell'aridità del deserto, ha contribuito a far rifiorire un cristianesimo stanco e abitudinario".(Leonardo Sapienza)
Da oggi #CharlesDeFoucauld è santo della Chiesa universale. Deo gratias!
🐦🔗: https://nitter.eu/SilviaCostaEU/status/1525921925066899459
Alors qu’il est aujourd’hui canonisé par @Pontifex_fr, méditons ces mots de #CharlesdeFoucauld, apôtre de la Fraternité et du dialogue des cultures « Je veux habituer tous les habitants, chrétiens, musulmans, juifs, à me regarder comme leur frère, le frère universel. »
🐦🔗: https://nitter.eu/datirachida/status/1525777560856051712