ooh, nice surprise from #CharmSh (don't think they've got a mastodon) today.
I'd signed up for stickers a while back, and they arrived today!
And if you want some too, here's a birdsite link https://twitter.com/charmcli/status/1508284290307559426
Charm make free open source command line interface apps, libs and back ends. You can follow at:
➡️ @charm
Their website is at https://charm.sh
#Charm #CharmSH #CharmBracelet #CLI #CommandLineInterface #CommandLine #CommandLines #Terminal #Terminals #Programming #Computing #Dev #Software #Apps #Development #SoftwareDevelopment
#softwaredevelopment #development #apps #software #dev #computing #programming #terminals #terminal #CommandLines #commandline #commandlineinterface #cli #CharmBracelet #CharmSH #charm