aggynomadi :verified: · @aggynomadi
20 followers · 78 posts · Server
Alicia Westgate :ir: · @shunthepants
118 followers · 117 posts · Server

@plaksey I do! I like watching new stuff as well, but I'm not always in a place for novelty. I have kind of a long list of comfort shows and movies I rotate through.

Some are better for different times of year or even different times of the day, for me(I watch in the morning, usually, because I used to watch reruns in the morning with my mom as a kid, so the added layer of nostalgic feeling adds to the comfort).

Right now I'm rewatching and and is on repeat pretty much daily.

#Charmed #StarTrekVoyager #AnneWithAnE #bluey

Last updated 2 years ago

EarthboundValkyrie · @Kriselda
53 followers · 103 posts · Server

@alecanque the TV movie of the Mists of Avalon from several years ago (with Julianna Margolis from ER) had me in tears of joy at how beautifully it showcased a positive view of Witchcraft.

You probably already know about Charmed, but just in case you didn't I thought I'd mention it. While it's kind of hokey, the series definately showed a positive take on modern Witches.

There are literally,tons of Pagan-positive books. Urban Fantasy is full of them, as is Historical Fiction. I'm just going to mention a two that really left an impression on me when I was starting out.

First is the Mists of Avalon book (and, I expect the whole Avalon series, though I've not read it all myself) is just as positive - it was my first introduction to anything Pagan and made me wish such a faith was real (little did I know...)

The Camber of Culdi series is another Pagan positive read, though it features a form of Wicca mixed with Catholicism

#bookstodon #PaganPositive #Pagan #CamberOfCuldi #Charmed #MistsOfAvalon

Last updated 2 years ago