Today in Labor History June 16, 1836: The London Working Men's Association was formed, launching the Chartist movement. The Chartists took their name from the People's Charter, which demanded universal suffrage for men, regardless of social class. The movement appealed to skilled workers, not the masses of unskilled laborers. They followed the utopian socialism of Robert Owen. The movement lasted from 1838 to 1857. America’s first cop, Allan Pinkerton, creator of the Secret Service & persecutor of the Molly Maguires, was a radical participant in the Chartist movement before becoming the bulldog of capitalists. While the Chartism was primarily a constitutional movement, there was a radical, insurrectionary wing. Pinkerton was a part of this wing. He fought cops, destroyed property and set fires.
You can read my biography of him, “The Eye That Never Sleeps,” here:
#WorkingClass #LaborHistory #chartist #Pinkertons #MollyMaguires #cop #police #PoliceState #socialism #RobertOwen #Chumbawamba
#workingclass #LaborHistory #Chartist #Pinkertons #mollymaguires #cop #police #policestate #socialism #robertowen #Chumbawamba
The masses captured by the lens of history - daguerreotype of the Kennington Common #Chartist demonstration, 10 April 1848 (bizarrely, an image purchased by Prince Albert)
I have read a chapter in a book about Wales by Shaheen Sutton . A native of Newport like me . As a city we are proud of our #chartist heritage and John Frost. Today is the first I had heard of the very influential black chartist William Cuffay.
Like Shaheen I am asking why it has taken me so long to hear about this important man
Relics of the political prisoners - the #Chartist ‘Newport Martyrs’ of 1839 and the #YoungIrelander William Smith O’Brien
O'Connor was a leading figure in the Chartist movement. When Parliament rejected the People’s Charter, he became associated with ‘physical force’ Chartists who argued for using violence to gain political rights. Find out about him in our schools' section👇
📘From our latest issue!
Tom Scriven ( on 'Slavery and Abolition in Chartist Thought and Culture, 1838–1850'
#Chartist #Slavery #Abolition #Culture #Victorian
📖Read open access here:
#Chartist #slavery #abolition #culture #victorian