Ended up in a chat room again last night. Had fun with an older woman who I’ve been chatting with for a week or so. Rarely done this with older women before which made it quite exciting. I just need to avoiding turning it into a relationship. I’ll make sure she knows that.
#relationships #chatrooms #sexting #olderwomen #addiction #love #sexaddiction
#sexaddiction #love #addiction #olderwomen #sexting #Chatrooms #relationships
Went backwards again last night by reentering #chatrooms. Had a nice conversation and didn’t lie until right at the end. Also spent most of the chat focused on a lovely woman. She described herself as ‘Married but it’s complicated’. Sooo… that’s 2 black marks for me. At least I didn’t stay up until stupid o clock. This #addiction is hard.
The damaging impacts are very real. It’s all consuming and takes my energy away from the really important things in life - maximising quality time with my kids. I also get way behind on household chores. And I spend time in front of the computer rather than exercising and going out to see people in real life. A therapist once told me my obsession with female attention is an attempt to fill the love void I experienced as a child when neglected by my mum #chatrooms #addiction #mentalhealth.
#mentalhealth #addiction #Chatrooms
Thanks for the 200+ followers guys!
I created a new #matrix space which you can join and talk about #foss , #Privacy and other interesting topics: https://matrix.to/#/#fossery-tech:matrix.org
#fosserytech #Chatrooms #Chat #OpenSource #Community #Privacy #FOSS #Matrix
I have some issues with accessing my Matrix space so I created a separate room just in case: https://matrix.to/#/#fossery-tech-group:matrix.org
#matrix #chat #Chatrooms #Community #FreeSpeech #Groups #fossers #fosserytech
#fosserytech #fossers #Groups #FreeSpeech #Community #Chatrooms #Chat #Matrix
Are you looking for a free speech community where you can talk about anything you want? Join my Matrix space!
#matrix #chat #Chatrooms #Community #FreeSpeech #Groups #fossers #fosserytech
#fosserytech #fossers #Groups #FreeSpeech #Community #Chatrooms #Chat #Matrix
But why? 😩😂
#revolt #discordalternative #Chatrooms #chat
#Chat #Chatrooms #discordalternative #revolt