Doc Edward Morbius ⭕​ · @dredmorbius
2082 followers · 14677 posts · Server

@jec Yes, this is very much what I'm getting at.

There are some Mastodon tools you can use, more on that in a follow-up.

On the concept itself, earlier writings:

Cheap Rejection as a Feature

Builds the idea that cheap and fast no-gregats information rejection is a feature in an information-rich world:

[M]ental models are not simply modeling devices, but information rejection tools. Borrowing from Clay Shirkey’s “It’s not information overload, it’s filter failure”, the world is a surprisingly information-rich space, and humans (or any other information-processing system, biological or otherwise) simply aren’t equipped to deal with more than a minuscule fraction of it. We aim for a useful fraction. It paints an incomplete, but useful picture.

Even a bad model has utility if it rejects information cheaply.


Refutation of Metcalfe's Law revisited: network effects meet Sturgeon's Law

On bullshit, S/N, craft, respect, and originality

#SignalNoise #information #informationoverload #CheapRejection #models #Satisficing #informationtheory

Last updated 3 years ago