The federal state of Mecklenburg-Western Pomerania will provide schools in the #Chernihiv region with 250,000 euros to equip their shelters.
A partnership between Mecklenburg-Western Pomerania and the Chernihiv region will also be established soon.
This was announced by the Prime Minister of the Federal State Manuela Schwesig, together with the Ukrainian Ambassador of Ukraine in Germany Oleksii Makeiev.
75 Ukrainian children tortured by Russian forces
Ukrainian prosecutors discovered that Russian forces had tortured 75 children throughout the full-scale invasion
Most cases of torture took place in #Chernihiv Oblast’s village of #Yahidne, which was under Russian occupation for about a month
#RussiaInvadedUkraine #torture #terrorism #children #UkrainianChildren #ChildAbuse #WarCrimes #RussianWarCrimes #Ukraine #StandWithUkraine
#StandWithUkraine #ukraine #RussianWarCrimes #warcrimes #childabuse #ukrainianchildren #children #terrorism #torture #RussiaInvadedUkraine #Yahidne #Chernihiv
The SBU (Security Service of Ukraine) showed the rocket that the RFA used to hit the drama theater in #Chernihiv
(9M727 missile "Iskander")
#Unicef: terribile attacco a #Chernihiv, proteggere civili e bambini
"Gli attacchi devono cessare. I bambini devono essere protetti. A questo Paese deve essere data la possibilità di #pace e ai suoi #bambini la possibilità di un futuro. Ancora una volta, chiediamo a tutte le parti di proteggere i #civili e le infrastrutture civili e di rispettare gli obblighi legali e morali di tenere i bambini fuori dalla linea di fuoco.
#ucraina #unicef #Chernihiv #PACE #bambini #civili
Hang This In Putin's Cell!
A photo of a Russian R-500 cruise missile (9M728) shortly before it hit the Drama Theater building in Chernihiv on Saturday.
#AureFreePress #Ukraine️ #Russia #Putin #EU #NATO #Zelensky #war #news #Moscow #USA #UK #Germany #Poland #France #Turkey #Chernihiv
#Chernihiv #turkey #France #poland #Germany #UK #USA #Moscow #News #War #zelensky #NATO #EU #Putin #Russia #Ukraine #aurefreepress
6-year-old girl Sophia was killed by a ballistic missile while strolling on a summer weekend with her mother in the center of #Chernihiv. Her mother is screaming in hospital that this is her only child and she wont to be able to overcome this. It became normal to kill children like Sophia not only for #Russia, but also for the world which considers this acceptable part of war. Russia has been allowed to wage this terroristic war for 1.5 years now. #RussiaisATerroistState #Ukraine #UkraineWar
#UkraineWar #Ukraine #russiaisaterroiststate #Russia #Chernihiv
Mehrere Tote in #Chernihiv, auch Kinder. Propagandisten erzählen uns mit "Beweisvideos", dass das Leben in der Ukraine ganz normal wäre...Tja, es war ein normaler Tag, bis DAS passierte.
Sollen sie dem Mann, der weinend neben seiner toten Frau sitzt einmal in die Augen schauen... #Ukraine #Kriegsverbrechen #TerrorstaatRussland
#terrorstaatrussland #kriegsverbrechen #Ukraine #Chernihiv
La #strage di #Chernihiv in #Ucraina
Perché è avvenuta? È stato colpito un raduno di esperti ucraini di #droni: si indaga sulla fuga di informazioni.
Fra le vittime anche #bambini.
#strage #Chernihiv #ucraina #droni #bambini
Das ist die sechsjährige Sophia, die an den Folgen des #russischen Raketenangriffs auf #Chernihiv starb. Ich habe gleichaltrige Enkelkinder... es zerreißt mein Herz. 😭
Sophia, 6, was killed by the Russian missile in Chernihiv yesterday.
Sophia was the only and long-awaited child of her parents, Olga and Oleksandr. Her mom is in hospital. Her dad is defending Ukraine in the Army, a family friend wrote.
RIP, Sophia. Deepest condolences to all who knew you.
#AureFreePress #Ukraine️ #Russia #Chernihiv
#Chernihiv #Russia #Ukraine #aurefreepress
Crimes Of 21st Century!
Chernihiv Drama Theater after yesterday's Russian missile strike on the city.
7 people were killed and 148 injured by Russian terrorism.
#AureFreePress #Ukraine️ #Russia #Putin #EU #NATO #Zelensky #war #news #Moscow #USA #UK #Germany #Poland #France #Turkey #Chernihiv
#Chernihiv #turkey #France #poland #Germany #UK #USA #Moscow #News #War #zelensky #NATO #EU #Putin #Russia #Ukraine #aurefreepress
#Ucraina: a #Chernihiv si continua a scavare tra le macerie dopo l'attacco russo con 7 morti e 148 feriti
#Photos. Today's russian missile strike on #Chernihiv.
#RussianWarCrimes #War #Ukraine #Chernihiv #Photos
"I was born under a lucky star"
A cafe worker says about the shelling in Chernihiv.
Despite the broken windows in the room and a pile of broken glass, the girl was almost unhurt and considers it a real miracle.
#AureFreePress #Ukraine️ #Russia #Chernihiv
#Chernihiv #Russia #Ukraine #aurefreepress
In #Chernihiv, the rescue operation was completed after the attack on the city center. Seven people died, another 129 were injured, including 15 children and 15 police officers.
Hour by Hour:
#Russia launches deadly missile strike on #Chernihiv in northern #Ukraine🔴-live-ukraine-says-its-forces-destroyed-15-russian-drones-during-overnight-attack
Our Ukrainian guest is upset today -she's from #Chernihiv and her parents are still there (they're safe), Putin is a war criminal and terrorist. Why does Trump like him so much?
Sale a 6 il numero dei morti a causa dell'attacco russo sulla città di #Chernihiv, nell'#Ucraina settentrionale, dove un missile ha colpito il centro cittadino. L'ultima vittima, scrive su Telegram il ministro degli Interni ucraino Igor Klymenko, è una bambina di 6 anni.
Where Is The March To Moscow!!! To Putin's Front Door!!!
Chernihiv - Saturday am.
Russian Missile Strike!
Seven people killed, 90 injured.
UPD. 90 injured, 11 children among them.
My heart breaks for the innocent.
#AureFreePress #Ukraine️ #Russia #Putin #EU #NATO #Zelensky #war #news #Moscow #USA #UK #Germany #Poland #France #Turkey #Chernihiv
#Chernihiv #turkey #France #poland #Germany #UK #USA #Moscow #News #War #zelensky #NATO #EU #Putin #Russia #Ukraine #aurefreepress
Today Orthodox Christians celebrate the Apple Feast of the Saviour.
Families in Chernihiv were taking their apple baskets to churches. You can see one of them in the photo.
There are many churches in Chernihiv's center.
So far, it is known of 6 people killed by the Russian missile attack in Chernihiv. One of them is a six year old girl. 37 people are wounded - Chernihiv authorities.
#AureFreePress #Ukraine️ #Russia #Chernihiv
#Chernihiv #Russia #Ukraine #aurefreepress