Started this idea on tumblr but I think I'm going to do it here, too.
This is the list of the #BLdrama I've watched until now, not rated. They're listed in the order I watched them since the beginning of June.
#CherryMagic (the drama and the movie)
I also started watching #MyBeautifulMan a few days agobbut I just didn't feel it
#bldrama #semanticerror #tomystar #thenewemployee #oldfashionedcupcake #thedirectorwhobuysmedinner #theendoftheworldwithyou #CherryMagic #Given #mybeautifulman
your open mind
✍️ fic by #plonk
📦 #TheUntamed #MoDaoZuShi
📦 #JiangCheng / #WenQing
📦 #LanWangji / #WeiWuxian
📦 4k, not rated (Mature?)
📦 30-year-old virgin JC is hit by the #CherryMagic telepathy curse
📦 He wants a woman to humiliate him
📦 LWJ also understands the curse and drives JC mad with his own thoughts about WWX
#DecRecs #FicRec #MDZSFicRec #MDZS #ChengQingFicRec #ChengQing #WangXianFicRec #WangXian #NSFW #ModernCultivationAU #CherryMagicAU #Telepathy
#plonk #theuntamed #modaozushi #jiangcheng #wenqing #lanwangji #weiwuxian #CherryMagic #decrecs #FicRec #mdzsficrec #mdzs #chengqingficrec #chengqing #wangxianficrec #wangxian #nsfw #moderncultivationau #cherrymagicau #telepathy
Rich and I tried using the #AIMangaFilter to recreate the cover of #CherryMagic volume 2. The results are... interesting.
#RichAndJae #CherryMagicManga #JapaneseBL #GayCouple #CuteCouple #HusbandAndHusband #Husbands
#aimangafilter #CherryMagic #richandjae #cherrymagicmanga #japanesebl #gaycouple #cutecouple #husbandandhusband #husbands
No, I'm NOT nerding out over a live-action Thai adaptation of the Cherry Magic manga. (Yes, I am. 😂) -Jae
#CherryMagic #cherrymagicmanga #japanesebl #ThaiBL
Toyota Yuu's manga series ‘#CherryMagic! Thirty Years of Virginity Can Make You a Wizard?!’ and Japanese hit TV drama, starring Keita Machida and Eiji Akaso ‘#チェリまほ'—will be having its Thai adaptation, “#CherryMagicTH” under GMMTV starring #TayNew.
#CherryMagic #チェリまほ #cherrymagicth #taynew
I've been waiting forever to see the #CherryMagic #Movie - so glad to finally have the opportunity. 🌸 Having been stuck inside my own head for so many years, I connected deeply with the story.
#CherryMagicTheMovie #CherryMagicMovie #Wizard #LGBTQMovie #LGBTQFilm #RepresentationMatters #Manga #JapaneseBL #AdachiAndKurosawa #Adachi #Kurosawa
#CherryMagic #movie #CherryMagicTheMovie #cherrymagicmovie #wizard #lgbtqmovie #LGBTQfilm #representationmatters #manga #japanesebl #adachiandkurosawa #adachi #kurosawa