Walmart Gunman Bought a Pistol to Kill Co-Workers and Left a ‘Death Note’ #Chesapeake,Va,WalmartShooting(Nov,2022) #Murders,AttemptedMurdersandHomicides #Bing,Andre(1991-2022) #WalmartStoresInc #Chesapeake(Va)
#Murders #WalmartStoresInc #Chesapeake #Bing
After 3 Mass Shootings, a Thanksgiving With 14 Empty Chairs #Chesapeake,Va,WalmartShooting(Nov,2022) #UniversityofVirginiaShooting(2022) #ColoradoSpringsShooting(Nov,2022) #Chandler,Devin(d2022) #ColoradoSprings(Colo) #UniversityofVirginia #Perry,D'Sean(d2022) #Davis,Lavel(d2022) #WalmartStoresInc #ThanksgivingDay #Fierro,RichardM #Chesapeake(Va) #MassShootings
#ThanksgivingDay #MassShootings #ColoradoSprings #ColoradoSpringsShooting #Fierro #WalmartStoresInc #Chesapeake #UniversityofVirginiaShooting #Chandler #UniversityofVirginia #Perry #Davis
Walmart Employee on the Shooting: ‘I Just Watched 3 of My Friends Killed’ #Murders,AttemptedMurdersandHomicides #WalmartStoresInc #Chesapeake(Va)
#Murders #WalmartStoresInc #Chesapeake
Stop trying to control my body and give us some gun control, dammit. #Chesapeake
It’s always a bizarre feeling to be shamed for saying that you don’t think your fellow human beings should be shot and killed in public as being “too political.”
@physgal How many years, how many shootings and how many lives will it take? Every other country on the planet gets it. No one cares that Americans say, 'it's complicated'. It's not. The rest of us get it. And in the end, it's innocent Americans that die. Seem pretty simple to the rest of us.
#Chesapeake #Guncontrol #gunviolence #virginia
#virginia #gunviolence #guncontrol #Chesapeake
Sickening. Will it ever end? #AssaultWeaponBan #Chesapeake #Virginia
#virginia #Chesapeake #assaultweaponban
It’s been about 8 hours since the shooting in #Chesapeake. Plenty of people have reported on it and plenty of people have made responses.
Silence from Governor Youngkin.
When are you going to act?